Page 49 - 雕鐫海之角
P. 49
沉積岩 (波浪、海流、潮汐)
Sedimentary rock Coastal Processes
龍洞的岩石主要是由石英砂岩所組成,因富 The rocks at Longdong consist mainly of quartz on the shore often with huge impacts, resulting in 海水被風吹送,不停的沖刷拍打岩岸,對岩
sandstone. The good cementation of the quartz at coastal erosion. The effects of waves on rocks can
含石英,所以此地的岩石和臺灣北部的岩石相比 石裂縫(節理)造成強大壓力,也會夾帶小石塊磨
Longdon results in rocks that are harder than rocks in cause dramatic coastal retreat. Over a long time
較為堅硬,屬於第三紀漸新世。在陽光的照射之 other parts of Taiwan. These rocks are Miocene in age. scale, even with no sea level change, a coastal area 蝕岩石,加速侵蝕作用;而海水中的鹽結晶使岩
Under the sunshine, the white quartz sandstone reflect
下,白色的石英砂岩反射出富有質感的景觀。因 can be eroded into a wave-cut platform. Different 石崩解、溶蝕;海水每天規則的漲退,主要是因
the high quality of the landscapes.
砂岩的強度較大,使得本區有許多組因構造運動 Because of the strength of the sandstone, there coastal processes create erosional and depositional 為海水受到月球和太陽引力作用的緣故,通常每
所形成的節理,這些特色也吸引國內外許多攀岩 are several sets of joints formed from the tectonic landscapes, but apart from the action of currents 天漲落兩次。海水因潮汐作用而發生垂直升降,
movement of the landscape. These characteristics and tides, tectonic movements can also shape the
好手來此活動。 landscape. The sea cliffs on the north east coast are 雕塑出獨特的地貌,也影響了在海邊活動生長的
make the landscapes attractive to rock climbing
鼻頭角的岩石主要由砂頁岩互層所形成,而 activities. both varied and beautiful. 生物。
本區的交錯層也顯示古水流的方向與海平面的變 The rock at Bitou cape is mainly quartz sandstone Coastal processes are highly dynamic, and the
with share layers. A series of cross bedding structure most common of these are waves, tides and currents.
also demonstrate the ancient of water currents and The energy is transmitted to the coast and dissipated
sea level changes.
地質圖書 Geopark at Northeast and Yilan Coast National Scenic Area