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 ӍᎉࢪชԊ      Another Giant Figure Visible from
 ତ                                                                                                  2011 ၅
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 ۬  Words from the Sand Sculptors  the Rainbow Bridge                                               ყ Ӎ
            When Ted invited me to Taiwan again to help carve a giant, I was excited. I love carving giant   ֙
 Can’t Wait for Next Year!  scale and after carving King Kong in 2010 at Fulong, Ted and I loved the idea of another giant     ၚ ੹

            figure visible from the rainbow bridge.
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            Ted’s concept was perfect for the giant. It utilized the specialties of each sculptor involved
            with the giant. Damon’s great Eskimo was perfect. The Russians, Max and Nicolay, were great
            human anatomy sculptors. Ken was the perfect ice man. My ugly giant face also won me the
 I don’t want to sound redundant,   “biggest head” award at the “Sandie Awards” ceremony at Charlie’s sand bar. But the most
 but this is a special place; both as   important sculptor was the operator of the excavator—Mr. Wei (I guess). He was the most
 a sand sculptor and in my heart.   essential for the huge amounts of sand that
 This year especially was a   needed removing, and he did so with great
 profound experience and I   finesse and care. If it wasn’t for him, we’d still
 lear ned so much about   be shoveling today.
 leadership, cooperation and
            It was a great event this year. It brought
 much  much  more.  We  have
            emotions and achievements that exceeded
 grown into a unique family and
            everyone’s expectations. The sculptures
 from laborer to master sculptor.
            were impressive, the support workers were
 Everyone is so appreciative of all
            great, and the tourism bureau’s activities
 the effort it takes to put on an
            were phenomenal. I was appreciative to be
 event this large. I can’t wait for
            a part of such a great event and one of
 next year.
            Ted’s Fulong 14, 2011. Thank you, Taiwan.
          {Ted Siebert (The Sand Sculpture Company, from the USA)
                                                              {Justin Gordon (Massachusetts, USA)



 Discovery of the Golden Sand Empire                      The 2011 Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival
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