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 ତ  ዝϋӍᎉ֙Ϋᚥ                                 ዝϋӍᎉ֙Ϋᚥ                                                                                               2011 ၅
 Sand Sculpture Festival Reviews  Sand Sculpture Festival Reviews
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 2008       2009                                                                                    ᎉ ᖵ ஔ

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            2009 / Carving the Dream Kingdom by
 2008 / Sparkling Fulong:   the Sand from the Ocean
 Making Sand into Gold

            Inviting more than ten international sand sculpture artists to
 Taiwan's first sand sculpture event originated in   participate, the 2009 Fulong Sand Sculpture Festival was classified
 the northeast corner of Yenliao in 1989, inviting   as Top Notch Tourism in accord with the promotion of the Tourism
 the participation of many domestic and   Bureau.  The themes of the artworks were numerous, such as the
 international sculptors.  After a gap of nineteen   Navigation of Top Notch Tourism, Snapshots of the Peculiar
 years, in the summer of 2008 and also marking   Scenery of the Northeast Coast,  and The Seeking of Treasure in
 the 25  anniversary of the Administration, the   the Maze. The one-month event successfully won the spotlight in
 sand sculpture festival was held again, show-  the Tourism Bureau and set a further record of enhancing the
 casing Fulong Beach’s beautiful scenery.   local sightseeing industry, as well as boosting local restaurants,
            bike rentals, and water sports lessons.

 Discovery of the Golden Sand Empire                      The 2011 Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival
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