Page 36 - 發現‧黃金沙城
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       ତ         2011.05.01                  ˜2011၅ඤ਷ყӍᎉᖵஔ֙ķරږӍ۬™ݺਗ͍όί၅ඤऎ˥                                                  2011 Fulong International Sand Sculpture   2011.05.01                           2011 ၅
                                             कఙඤࠠ೮ఙ€ݺਗၪಂՇࡈ˜dቇுܔ਷ϵϋdतйᒗሗ                                                 Art Festival{Golden Fulong,  starts at Fulong
      h ර
       ږ                                                                                                                 beach, inviting a dozen of sculptors from the                                       ඤ
       Ӎ                                     ߕ਷e˚͉eʕ਷eၽᝄeᅃ਷e̋ࣅɽeڶᖯ౶e໧ൃ˫ഃ                                                                                                                                     ਷
       ۬                                                                                                              USA, Japan, Taiwan, Germany, Canada, Russia,                                           ყ
                                             ˰ޢॴ˜Ӎ˓™Ըၽ௴ЪdՉЪۜᅰඎe஝ᅼ͵ਗ਼ҷᄳዝ֣ߏ                                                and Portugal to commemorate ROC Year 100                                             Ӎ
                                             ፽f                                                                                                                                                              ᖵ

                                                                                                                     activities held every weekend: sculpture DIY lessons,
                 2011.05.07                  ݺਗಂගӊு඄͋dତఙޫϞӍᎉDIY઺ኪd͟ၽᝄӍᎉ༟ଉࢪ                                               demonstrations and lectures by senior sculptor   2011.05.07
                                             ˮؒڿϼࢪፋІͪᇍ઺ኪdіˏ஢ε༷܄ᙳ࢕੭ହۃԸਞ̋f                                                    Wang Song Guan, are open for the public
                                                                                                                         with twenty teams joining the competition, the
                 2011.05.14-15               ᄿᒗӍᎉฌλ٫ଡ଼ඟజԘӍᎉ௴ЪˢᒄķӍᅘ኷ఙ™Ӎᎉˢ                                                sculpture Imagination Island carved by the Hua   2011.05.14-15
                                             ᒄdڋᄲܝ΍20ଡ଼ਞၾӔᒄd௰ܝ͟˜ശ֥Ꮝ™ߕʈணࠇӻΝ                                              Gang student wins the first prize of thirty thousand
                                                                                                                             dollars in the Sand Sculpture Competition
                                                                                                                        Ling Jiu Mountain Buddhist Society holds Fulong
                                                                                                                                International Guanyin Cultural Festival   2011.05.21-29
                 2011.05.21-29               ᜳ㑩ʆೌ͛༸ఙഐΥӍᎉ֙d࠯ܓᑘ፬˜၅ඤ਷ყᝈࠪ˖ʷ
                                             ື™f                                                                      the two-month festival comes to an end with great
                                                                                                                       success, making a record three hundred and fifty   2011.06.30
                                                                                                                                    thousand total visitor admissions
                 2011.06.30                  ၪಂՇࡈ˜ٙ၅ඤ਷ყӍᎉᖵஔ֙෥တໝ࿇d௴ɨ൴ཀ35ຬᐼ
                                             ਞᝈɛϣٙা፽f                                                                   after the closing ceremony, cranes shovel all the   2011.07.01
                                                                                                                                  sand sculpture works to the ground
                 2011.07.01                  Ӎᎉௐ࿇া٫ึܝdܱ͟ɺዚආఙ͍όપ̻ӍᛉɪٙהϞӍᎉ

            Discovery of the Golden Sand Empire                                                                                                                    The 2011 Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival
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