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       ତ                                                                                                                                                                                                    2011 ၅
                                                                                                                        Ӎᎉࢪ profile
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                                                                                                                        ߕ਷Ӎᎉʮ̡€The Sand Sculpture Companyķ
                                                                                                                        ඟڗइᅃhҎЬ€Ted Sieberteݟဧ౶hتԢᆄ€Charles Beaulieue̺ഺࢸh॰ࢸЬ
                                                                                                                        €Brian Turnbough

                                                                                                                        Having more than twenty-five years of sand sculpture experience, the team currently
                                                                                                                        is the world record holder for the longest sand sculpture work (ten kilometers).  They
                                                                                                                        have built more than four hundred sand sculptures and spend six months a year touring
                                                                                                                        around the world creating sand sculptures.  They first came to Taiwan in 2000 and the
                                                                                                                        team has created several well known sand works such as Harry Potter's Magic Stone in
                                                                                                                        2000, Tropical Tiki Paradise in 2010, and A Dance with Nature in 2011.


               ඾dᙃ೯əΙήτɛܠϽνОၾІ್΍π΍࿲ٙซجdԨᏑ੻యࠠІ್ᐑྤٙࡪኪၚग़fྠඟჯ                                                               ̋ࣅɽᘬķ༺ႆhᚆݾͺ౶€Damon LangloiseٵhЎ̺ז֍౶€Kenneth Abramse໤
               ኬɛTedڌͪd͟׵ήଢᐑྤ஗ॎᕸٙฏԸฏᘌࠠdΪϤ˼፯֛வࡈ˴ᕚd௰ঐୌΥપᄿڭᚐᐑ                                                              ཤࣸh௫д؍€Gregory JacklindɦΤSandBoxerse̿ཤhᅃε̺౶€Frederick Dobbs
               Teams from the USA and Canada: Be Humble With Nature                                                     ࣸɰ݊ணࠇʈ೻ࢪdཀ̘ɤ఻ϋٙ඄͋ฌλఱ݊Ӎᎉi̿ཤίӍᎉޢԮᚑ20ϋdಀᐏ˰ޢڿࠏ௰

               Twenty meters wide and six to seven meters high, the work Native American Indians—A                      ৷࿲ᚑdԨஹᚃᇕி1993ϋΛ̵౶3ࡈ˰ޢࠢࣛ܃ʫ৷ܓٙߏ፽f̋ࣅɽձߕ਷ٙඟࡰdίߕ਷
               Dance with Nature, took eight hundred tons of sand to build.  It was even bigger than                    ΤɛӍᎉᒄʕ੬஗၈ژڿࠏٙ੬܄™f
               the largest work last year, Tropical Tiki Paradise (sixteen meters wide and six meters tall),            While Damon is a very successful industrial designer, Ken is a metal artist with career
                                                                                                                        extending nearly thirty years.  Greg is also a design engineer, with sand sculpture as his
               which was made by the same American team. The theme of this creation was Native
                                                                                                                        weekend hobby over the past ten years.  Fred once won the highest honor of world
               American Indian culture and their legends.  By depicting wolves, bears, eagles and the                   sculpture champion and has an enormous reputation in the sand sculpture world for
               mystical indigenous world, the sculpture meant to transfer the idea of coexistence with                  the last twenty years.  In 1993 he also set the world record for indoor sculpture within
               nature and learn respect for the spirit of the land.  The team leader said the theme                     a time limit.  The Canadian and American teams are regularly champions in the US
                                                                                                                        Celebrity Sand Sculpture Race.
               could bring about more discussion and concern for protecting our environment.

            Discovery of the Golden Sand Empire                                                                                                                    The 2011 Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival
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