Page 111 - 2012點沙成金內頁_1017
P. 111


                                                                            點沙成金 Turning Sand Into Gold

 ڝ፽j2012 ၅ඤ਷ყӍᎉᖵஔ֙ ɽԫߏ  Appendix: 2012 Collection of Sand Sculpture Artworks

 日期  項目         Date                              Events
 3ā20€ɚ  沙雕活動正式開始緊鑼密鼓工作項目  3ā20€ɚ  start working on the 2012 event
 3ā28€ɧ  國內沙雕比賽徵沙手新聞發佈(休旅、地方)  3ā28€ɧ  media exposure of National Sand Sculpture Competition
 3ā29€̬  沙雕文宣主視覺等進入審議確認  3ā29€̬  main graphic design of the event waiting to be confirmed
 臺灣作品板模、水電工程先行完工       start pounding up, building squares, water and electricity deposition
 3ā30€ʞ     3ā30€ʞ
 周邊業者提供優惠配套內容確定        preferential packages for the event confirmed
 3ā31€ʬ  臺灣沙雕師進場創作  3ā31€ʬ  national sand sculptors start carving
 4ā03€ɚ  沙雕網站架構設計、製作  4ā03€ɚ  start building the official website of the event
 4ā05€̬  沙雕主視覺文宣確認,啟動全面宣傳活動  4ā05€̬  main graphic design of the event confirmed, start publicity and marketing
 4ā07€ʬ  作品板模全部完工   4ā07€ʬ  finish stacking and pounding up
 4ā10€ɚ  沙灘水電工程完工  4ā10€ɚ  finish water and electricity deposition on the beach
 4ā13€ʞ  展示作品說明牌、場區指示牌、停車場及停車指示牌確認進行  4ā13€ʞ  display boards and indicating boards confirmed
 大家來接龍開雕記者會(10:00、福隆沙灘)  press conference of the event
 4ā14€ʬ     4ā14€ʬ
 國外展示團隊陸續抵臺            foreign teams arrive in Taiwan
 4ā16€ɓ  強力宣傳期  4ā16€ɓ  promotion of the event
 4ā17€ɚ  第一批國際沙雕師到達(比賽隊伍)  4ā17€ɚ  invitation tournament sculptors arrive in Taiwan
 4ā18€ɧ  外國沙雕師進場創作(展示)  4ā18€ɧ  foreign sand sculptors start carving
 4ā19€̬  第二批國際沙雕師到達(比賽隊伍)  4ā19€̬  other foreign sculptors arrive in Taiwan
 沙雕國內比賽報名截止            deadline for national competition
 4ā20€ʞ  國際比賽選手展示作品(小型)開雕  4ā20€ʞ  start to carve small-sized sculptures
 沙雕活動網站正式上線            official website of the event online
 4ā21€ʬ  開放民眾參觀沙雕創作  4ā21€ʬ  open to the public
 4ā22€˚  國際比賽選手展示作品(小型)完成  4ā22€˚  small sized sculptures finished
 4ā23€ɓ  國內比賽第一階段書面審查  4ā23€ɓ  national competitors examined in written form
 臺北交通部記者會(14:30;國外沙雕師配合)  press conference in MOTC in Taipei
 4ā24€ɚ     4ā24€ɚ
 國際比賽(中型)開始創作          start to carve medium-sized sculptures
 4ā25€ɧ  國際比賽現場儀式  4ā25€ɧ  ceremony for international competition
 4ā26€̬  開幕前最後任務編制完成  4ā26€̬  ready for grand opening
 4ā27€ʞ  國外展示作品完工   4ā27€ʞ  sand sculpture for exhibition ready
 4ā28€ʬ  沙雕婚禮記者會(10:00、福隆沙灘)  4ā28€ʬ  press conference on Fulong Beach
 網路公佈國內比賽入選決賽20隊伍      twenty teams selected for national competition
 5ā01€ɚ     5ā01€ɚ
 海巡隊及福容保全進場戒護沙雕作品      the Coast Guard and guards of Fullon Hotel start to patrol the beach
 5ā03€̬  國際比賽作品完成  5ā03€̬  international competition works finished
 5ā04€ʞ  沙雕創作比賽公開評審  5ā04€ʞ  competition works open to the public for scoring
 活動正式開幕(含頒發國際邀請賽頒獎),邀請交通部長及觀光局長蒞臨,除了例行的靈鷲山祈  Minister Mao of MOTC and Director-General Hsieh of the Tourism Bureau invited to the grand
 5ā05€ʬ     5ā05€ʬ
 福灑淨儀式,並進行活動主題「龍蟠福隆」刷開儀式,正式宣告「福隆國際沙雕季」開演(眼)  opening - bringing the painted dragon to life by putting in the pupils of its eyes
 5ā13€˚  母親節當日湧現大量人潮(親子DIY教學活動),並推出女性當日入園免費優惠  females free of admission on Mothers' Day, and sand carving DIY lessons are provided for children
 5ā19€ʬ  國內沙雕比賽       and adults alike
 5ā20€˚  國內沙雕比賽、頒獎  5ā19€ʬ  national competition day one
 6ā24€˚  2012福隆國際沙雕藝術季原定閉幕時間  5ā20€˚  national competition day two, and with prize giving ceremony
 7ā01€˚  觀訪人潮踴躍,活動順延一週至7/1  6ā24€˚  official ending date of the event
 7ā02€ɓ  推土機進場,逾60件沙雕作品回歸天地沙塵(福隆沙雕2013年再見)  7ā01€˚  the event prolonged for one more week
             7ā02€ɓ   bulldozers drove onto the beach, meaning the event came to an end

 2012 福隆國際沙雕藝術季 風華再現
 The 2012 Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival
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