Page 74 - 2012點沙成金內頁_1017
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                                                                                                                                                                                     點沙成金 Turning Sand Into Gold

            賽者不畏風雨奮力演出。本屆參與競賽的團隊有57組,作品雖不及專業沙雕師精緻,但創意及理念卻屢                                                            ˆږ೐Ъۜ‰Gold Prize
            由「鈊象電子公司」軟體工程師們所組成的隊伍,作品是「希望守護神」,第三名為新竹玄奘大學藝術                                                               ˢᒄЪۜjᕫᚔᎲژ
            During the third year of the festival fifty seven teams signed up for the national competition.  Although the   ඟࡰj௓տ͞e௓ဏʕ
            weather was very rainy and windy during the competition, competitors were devoted to their work without
            any complaints.  After one and half days of competition, first place was given to the work Carp Jumped
            Over Dragon Gate, made by the team Expert Sandy Man.  Second place went to Guardian of Wishes,
            created by a team of engineers. Third place belonged to Symphony of Miyazaki Hayao, by the team from        利用鯉魚優雅的體態,配合龍年之意象,展現向上的力量。
            Hsuan Chuang University in Hsin Chu.
                                                                                                                        Carp Jumped Over Dragon Gate: Symbolizing the power of ‘moving up’ and prosperity by the shape of
                                                                                                                        jumping carps.

            2012 福隆國際沙雕藝術季 風華再現
            The 2012 Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival
   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79