Page 93 - 2012點沙成金內頁_1017
P. 93


                                                                            點沙成金 Turning Sand Into Gold

 1  【活動前的準備】  ѓй֜˙˴፬
            Ϫബё€ତ΂֝ᚆ१˴΂ / ݺਗಂගᅲ˾
 挖土機首先進駐沙地,為即將開場的沙雕盛宴揭開序幕  以為再也不會跟沙雕有任何「瓜葛」,自從民國

 接著一座座沙雕基座開始出現,工人頂著頭頂豔陽忙進忙出  遊憩課之後。沒想到竟然在今年(101)初,意
 開始架模、填沙、灌水、夯實、拆板  外重操舊業,展開了為期半年、身兼二職的地
 方方正正的沙座儼然成型  獄般生活。這段時間的重頭戲就是沙雕活動,
 在嬌豔夏日烈陽下,耐心等待沙雕師父的巧手鐫琢  對於我們這個菜鳥居多的承辦團隊來說,壓力非常
            之大,如何延續過去的成績,是我們最大的目標。                             ▲江舒君主任(前排左三)與工作團隊合影。
 而在這一切之前,還有另一群人已開始投注心力  尤其今年加入了國際邀請賽,毫無經驗的我們,更
 他們是主辦單位的工作人員,也是活動最重要的幕後無名英雄  是一大挑戰,深怕過程中出狀況,不僅砸了東北角
 連續數月不停歇,他們馬不停蹄進行活動規劃與籌備  的招牌,更壞了臺灣的國際形象。
 白天,他們全心投入沙雕活動的籌備階段                                    有你們的支持,陪我渡過這半年,重新回到天堂的感
 夜晚,他們大半仍清醒著                                           覺真好!
            滿了無限感動,我們做到了!今年讓我印象最深刻                     Double Challenges of Imagination and
                                                       Physical Strength
 Preparation Before the Festival  永遠碰不上面的力宏與小龍,才雕好準備開幕,力  Cai Han Qun (Main Promoter of the festival)
           宏就被狗破壞,等到修復好,小龍又被強風豪雨給                      As a new hand to the festival, I was at first overwhelmed
                                                       by the  heavy workload  and endless,  tiny  details.
 Three months before the festival, on one quiet afternoon, the first   吹坍了,這兩人真是無緣!由此也可見沙雕維護的
 excavator was slowly driven onto the Fulong beach.  This marked the   困難,不僅受氣候影響,也會遭受其他動物及人為  Running out of time was always a problem.  Though the
 beginning of activities for the festival.  After that, constructing workers   的破壞,大家應該更珍惜這些沙雕作品。  preparation began almost one year before the festival,
                                                       there never seemed like we had enough time.  From
 started forming and stacking ‘sand patties’, gently shaking the patties
                                                       topic planning, division of labor, sand patty stacking,
 from side to side and piling them up to make the sand settle.  Then it   今年是官方辦理沙雕藝術季的最後一次,有幸能參  beach clean up, to the accommodation of sand artists
 was time for the sand sculpting artists to display their talents and finish   與其中,也算有始有終!明年活動將交由麗寶集團  coming from faraway, the process of competition, and the
 those astonishing creations as we looked on in amazement.  Yet, it   ─福隆福容大飯店辦理,希望注入民間企業的活力  many thousands of problems that needed to be solved
 was not the real beginning of the activity.  Even several months earlier,   on the scene: there were a pile of challenges testing
 the planning and preparation had long begun.  The invitation list and   與資源,展現沙雕更多創意,讓活動發光發熱。   our imagination, resolve and strength.  Thanks to the
 topic planning was started as long as a year before the festival.  From   最後要感謝所有的工作團隊,鐵三角瀚群、于詩、  colleagues in the administration for their wholehearted
 the scale of the sculptures to the smallest and most trivial details, like   support and also thanks to Master Wang Song Guan.
 sand artists’ flight reservations, all preparations took time and effort   于珊的黃金陣容撐起活動,讓夢幻城堡成真;子  He is one of the best sand sculpting artists in the nation
 to manage.  All their effort and concerns were for the success of the   勛、朕豪協助國際沙雕師的聯繫,功不可沒;雪  and the one leading me into the marvelous world of sand
 festival.  Listen to their stories, joyful or frustrating, and you will find a   虛、季玲、義舜、耿姊、士強、喆巽及育維的後勤  sculpture.  All hardships and pains faded away when
                                                       we saw people happily absorbed in enjoying the sand
 depth and truth about the sand sculptures and come to understand the   支援,讓活動圓滿順利,特別感謝宜蘭站同仁的  creations and the happiness on the faces of children
 precious existence of every artwork.   「自立自強」,讓我無後顧之憂,謝謝你們。  playing in the water and sand.

 2012 福隆國際沙雕藝術季 風華再現
 The 2012 Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival
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