Page 94 - 2012點沙成金內頁_1017
P. 94


                                                                                                                                                                                     點沙成金 Turning Sand Into Gold
            Ӎᎉڋ᜗᜕j௴จၾ᜗ɢٙᕐࠠPK኷                                                                                        ࿇ܝ՘ɢɛࡰ

            ᇹᖍ໊ / ༷ኰሙ€Ӎᎉݺਗ˴ו፬ɛ                                                                                      ݊ݺਗ௰ɽ̌Ѕl

                                  認識臺台灣沙雕界翹楚王          感謝於眾多的贊助廠商(麗寶公司、福容飯店、華航公                                      ؍ɲ་ / ༷ኰሙ
                                  松冠老師,是我進入沙雕          司、金車、施巴等)及管理處大夥的同心協力攜手合作,                                     €ࠋபӍᎉݺਗᗎпਠሔʿБቖ
                                  世界的開始。籌備期間,          讓今年沙雕活動順利圓滿完成,雖然活動期間雨期綿長,
                                  時間相當緊湊,從籌備會          仍吸引26萬遊客造訪,也希望明年活動能帶給遊客不同風
                                  議、分工會議、堆沙板模          貌的夢幻黃金世界,將沙雕推向另一個高峰。
                                  作標案、各處外單位分工          Double Challenges of Imagination and                          首先,感謝中華航空公司贊助機票,讓外國沙雕師能                    Thanks to All the Vendors
                                  會議、外國沙雕師來台           Physical Strength                                             順利來臺,尤其是承辦窗口華航公關處蕭主任。感謝
                                  等,全靠管理處同仁努                                                                         Columbia公司贊助沙雕工作人員及選手賽衣,並配合 and Suppliers
                                                       Cai Han Qun (Main Promoter of the festival)
                                  力,逐一克服許多困難。                                                                        沙雕期間在會場舉辦一場非常沁涼的沙灘搖滾派對,為
                                                       As a new hand to the festival, I was at first overwhelmed                                                Lin Yu Shih (public relations and marketing)
                                                       by the  heavy workload  and endless,  tiny  details.          活動消暑及再掀高潮,「Phoebe、Sherry謝謝您們的
            今年籌備及活動期間正值今年豐沛雨量,連續數場大                                                                                                                             As usual, the fifth anniversary of The Sand Sculpture
                                                       Running out of time was always a problem.  Though the         用心!」;感謝金車股份有限公司「阿沙力」贊助活動
            雨,讓國內外選手飽受嚴厲的考驗。活動期間共有2~3                                                                                                                           Festival has come to an end with success and praise.
                                                       preparation began almost one year before the festival,        期間礦泉水及飲料;感謝施巴公司贊助防曬用品,讓工
            個颱風威脅,深深體悟「靠天吃飯」的感受,後來告訴                                                                                                                            Besides the hardworking staff in the administration,
                                                       there never seemed like we had enough time.  From             作人員及選手免於變成「非洲黑人」!謝謝麗寶集團─
            自己:謀事在人成事在天,還是「樂天知命」,才是                                                                                                                             I would like to thank all the vendors and suppliers. It
                                                       topic planning, division of labor, sand patty stacking,       福隆福容大飯店贊助沙雕師活動期間食宿及場地支援,                   was their generous cooperation that made the activity
            面對事情的態度。每天到沙灘上巡查沙雕作品及維護情                   beach clean up, to the accommodation of sand artists
            形,有時頂著大太陽,汗流夾背,但盡入眼簾是一座座                   coming from faraway, the process of competition, and the      「謝謝戴副總、陳協理、李主任、小葉、小黑,這兩個                   so satisfying and everlasting in our memories. First of
                                                                                                                                                                all, I’d like to thank China Airlines for their help with
            國內外沙雕師精心傑作,其中包括今年國際比賽冠軍-                   many thousands of problems that needed to be solved           月跟我們一起吹風淋雨、曬太陽及換膚,您們是最棒的                   flights. Thanks to Columbia for providing competition
            武聖,沙雕師竟是去年世界沙雕冠軍,還有許許多多家                   on the scene: there were a pile of challenges testing         團隊,辛苦了!明年沙雕看您們了!」                          T-shirts, to King Car for the unlimited drinks for the
            喻戶曉的電影人物如史瑞克、驚奇四超人、蝙蝠俠等、                   our imagination, resolve and strength.  Thanks to the         此外,我還要特別感謝:僑興旅行社的Connie,感謝她                sand artists and competitors and to Sebamed for the
            看到許多家長帶著小朋友看到沙雕作品時,滿是驚喜快                   colleagues in the administration for their wholehearted       這三年來不辭勞苦地協助13個國家56位沙雕師機票代訂                 suntan lotion. Thanks to Lihpao and Fullon Hotel for the
            樂,我看見了沙雕活動的意義所在。另一方面,今年國                   support and also thanks to Master Wang Song Guan.             的服務,面對沙雕師行程一變再變,仍毫無怨言的大力                   accommodation, and a special thanks to Overseas Travel
            內沙雕比賽共有76隊伍共襄盛舉,有許多年輕學子積極                  He is one of the best sand sculpting artists in the nation    協助,謝謝!最後,要感謝靈鷲山及東興宮所有師父、                   Service for the detailed and complicated arrangements for
                                                       and the one leading me into the marvelous world of sand
            參加比賽。一開始看到作品設計圖稿心中對他們雕塑的                                                                                 佛陀及諸神的庇佑加持,讓沙雕能躲過今年豪大雨及颱                   sculptors from all over the world. Without their assistance,
                                                       sculpture.  All hardships and pains faded away when
            能力不禁產生懷疑,直到比賽進行時,才對他們創作的                                                                                 風的威脅,屹立不搖維持到活動結束;也謝謝東北角風                   the festival would have not been so successful. We also
                                                       we saw people happily absorbed in enjoying the sand
            作品刮目相看。相對於國內外專業團隊,國內參賽隊伍                                                                                 管處所有長官同仁的支持及打拚、承商的戮力道赴及沙                   feel an immense gratitude to Ling Jiou Mountain Buddhist
                                                       creations and the happiness on the faces of children
            的創意主題更是包羅萬象,讓沙雕作品更加生動活潑。                                                                                 雕師的創意與用心,謝謝您們!                             Society and Dong Xing Temple for their shelter and
                                                       playing in the water and sand.                                                                           praying all the way through the festival.


            රɲޙ / ༷ኰሙ€ࠋபӍᎉݺਗ˖܁ʿБቖ                                                                                  不過,最終還是順利的完成了!真的很感謝大家的幫                     more complicated than I imagined, was divided into
                                                      一直以來,都只從電視新聞看到福隆沙雕藝術季的報                                       忙,套句耳熟能詳的話:「要感謝的人太多,那就謝天                    several activities — such as the national competition,
                                                      導,怎麼也沒想到有天我會參與其中,甚至還為了介紹                                      吧!」                                         international competition, and invitation creations —
                                                      沙雕作品上了電視。                                                                                                 each with its time schedule, working teammates, and
                                                                                                                    Going on Television to                      marketing approaches.  This meant it took multiple efforts
                                                      來到這個機關,雖與我想像中的工作不同,不過其中多                                                                                  to complete the publicity and marketing.  Nevertheless,
                                                      了許多我沒想過的樂趣與挑戰,也是很不錯的人生體                                       Introduce Sand Creations                    I was more than happy to take part in the festival, and
                                                      驗。本次福隆國際沙雕藝術季,我負責的是沙雕的文宣                                                                                  immensely grateful for all the support and assistance that
                                                                                                                    Huang Yu Shan (writing of marketing and publicity)      we got during the activities.  I’ll borrow a passage from
                                                                                                                    The experience of playing a part in the sand sculpture   a well-known literary author, Chen Zhifan, to conclude
                                                                                                                    festival was hard to imagine before I joined the   my gratitude to all.  It states, “The people that I have to
                                                                                                                    administration, let alone being interviewed to talk about   express my gratitude to are so many, so I thank heaven.”
                                                                                                                    the sand creations on TV!  It was a combination of
                                                                                                                    novelty and a challenge for me.  The festival, much
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