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                                                                                                                                                                                     點沙成金 Turning Sand Into Gold

            މə2012ӍᎉҢࡁ዆዆ഃəɓϋnn                                                                                          2       【沙雕師的心內話】

            「從頭到尾。」每當別人問我今年沙雕活動參與和幫忙到                  We waited a whole year for the 2012 eventn
            了哪些部分,我總是自豪的這麼回答。                          Austin Lin (Foreign Liaison)
            今年是我與替代役同梯張朕豪參與到沙雕活動的第二次                   “From the very beginning to the end,” that’s my proud answer whenever people
                                                       ask me how I partake in the preparation of the sand sculpture event this year.
            了,去年我們剛到福隆時,2011沙雕季正如火如荼進行                 This is the second year Jason and I partake in the sand sculpture event. When
            中,看著數以萬計的遊客以及六公尺高的巨型沙雕,我們                  we first arrived in Fulong back in 2011, and saw thousands of visitors and sand
            便知道,阿凱(Philip)學長去年替我們設下的標準很高,為             sculptures more than 6 meter tall, we realized Philip has set a high standard
                                                       for us to follow. We waited a whole year for the 2012 event, expecting what
            了2012沙雕我們整整等了一年……我們都期待著這個服役                is going to be the largest event during our service term at NEC. Although the
            期間會遇到的最大型活動。沙雕季雖然從5月開始,但我                  grand opening is on May 5th, we started planning for the event at the end of
                                                       November last year. Every year we want to try something new to make the event
                                                       better, so this year we had the idea of organizing an International Sand Sculpture
            比賽,複雜度及挑戰性都更甚以往,因為是首屆比賽,很                  Competition. Organizing a competition significantly increased the complexity
            多細節我們都得邊學邊解決,摸著繩子過河,雖然今年比                  and challenge of the event. Since this is the first time we host a competition,
                                                       many details and difficulties we have to learn and overcome on the spot. During
            賽的十天中有八天在下雨,且有一半沙雕師得了重感冒,                  the 10-day competition, we had 8 days of rain, and about half of the artists got
            但比賽還是圓滿落幕了。與沙雕師一起工作讓我學到許                   a pretty nasty flu. Despite of the difficulties, the completion is still a success
                                                       and raised the standard of the sculptures on the beach. Working alongside the
                                                       artists taught me many things. The artists are a group of people who pursuit
            氣候環境下大膽創作的魄力,與眾人在遇到突發狀況時願                  their dreams, have the guts to boldly create in unstable environment, have the
            意協商的耐心,對於陌生環境充滿探索慾望的好奇心,聽                  patience for discussion during unexpected situations, love to explore foreign
                                                       culture and open to new experiences. Between rests, listening to them talk
            他們訴說他們國家獨特的風土民情確實讓我開了眼界。感                  about the unique culture of their countries surely opens my eyes. At the end, I
            謝所有為了沙雕活動而付出的遊憩課工作人員,這一路上                  want to thank all the staffs who gave much of their time and energy to the event.   Kristie Haupt€ߕ਷Ӎᎉࢪj
            我們一起克服了許多挫折與困難,都是為了想讓活動越辦                  We overcame many frustrations and difficulties along the way, all wishing to
                                                       make the festival even better this year. Thanks, everyone!    Walking to the Sculptures at Fulong Beach Each Morning Was   沙雕讓雕刻家們有機會可以施做大型的雕
                                                                                                                     a Spiritual Experience for me.                     刻作品,光是這個理由,就讓沙雕夠獨特
                                                                                                                     Sand sculpture is one venue on earth that affords carvers the
            ၅ඤ݊Ңࢀ˚ୋɚࡈ࢕                                                       Fulong Will Be My                                                                          第一屆沙雕比賽提供了一個交流平台讓作
                                                                             Must Go Every                           opportunity to sculpt on a large scale. For this reason alone, it's   品的水準提高了不少,我上一次跟這麼多
            ੵࣥႴ€ಁ˾Ҙ/༷ኰሙ                                                     Summer                                  special. With the inclusion of competitors to the 2012 event,   一直微笑的人們在一起工作已經有一段時
                                                                                                                     this showing escalated to a wonderful new standard (in spite of
                                                                            Jason Chang                              the rain and challenging conditions) to showcase the beauty of   間了,雖然雨下的很大又持續很久,但大
            這是我第二次參加這個活動,它仍然是這麼美妙的                                          (Foreign Liaison)                        this artistic opportunity. It's been a long time since I have been   家都會互相幫忙讓沙雕不被雨沖壞,大家

            經驗!今年因為參與更多沙雕準備跟執行過程,讓                                           This  is  my  2nd  time                 around so many people who smile all of the time. Even when it   每天都以這種快樂的心態在進行工作。
            我更印象深刻!我認識了來自世界各地的所有這些                                           joining this event and                  rained too much or the sand did not hold up, anyone available   福隆海灘很漂亮,早晨在眾多的沙雕作品
            偉大的雕塑家,跟他們相處看到我們文化的相似性                                           it’s still fantastic! What’s            to help did so promptly and with a gracious attitude. It was   之間漫步都讓我精神愉快,就如同我2010
                                                       more fun this year was I got to be involved in the sand
            和不同,這真的很酷!今年雖然天公不作美,但沙                                                                                   inspiring to have this energy around us every day.  年第一次來的時候一樣,我每天都抱著感
                                                       sculpturing process! Although the weather is not that
            雕團隊們還是交出了漂亮的成績單。 看著沙雕一座                    great and little things happen this year but the whole team   Fulong Beach is very beautiful. Walking to the sculptures each   恩的心情在這麼漂亮的地方工作,提供我
            一座矗立在福隆沙灘上, 真的超有成就感。而我們的                   still put up together a great exhibition. It’s really rewarding   morning was a spiritual experience for me(as it was in 2010).   們住宿及餐點的人員都太棒了,在沙灘
            業餘比賽團隊也貢獻了一座鋼彈沙灘。這對我真的                     seeing all the sculptures standing tall on Fulong Beach.      I felt privileged and grateful every day to be there. Everyone   上的烤豬活動讓我印象深刻,實在是太酷
                                                       Our amateur competition team also contributes a gundam        responsible for our food and comfort could not have done a   了。
                                                       sculpture. In this event I met all these great sculptors from   better job. The pig roast on the beach was an outstanding
            替代役生涯已經告一段落,但這段在福隆的生活及                     all over the world and got to hang out with them, and saw                                                        感謝你們的關心、同理心、耐心以及努
            友誼將永遠留在我的記憶中,並將持續下去!福隆                     the similarities and differences in our cultures, it’s really   event.                                           力,福隆沙雕藝術季對我來說是獨一無二
            將是我每年夏天必回的第2個家。                            cool! It’s really a once a lifetime experience for me that I   Thank you for all of your care, compassion, patience and   的經驗,我希望能夠再次看到大家,並祝
                                                       will never forget. I am discharged from my substitution       effort. Fulong Golden Sand was a very special time. I would   福各位未來一切順利,十分、十分的感謝
                                                       service now but the memories of my friends and life in        love to see all of you again and will always wish you the best of   你們大家!
                                                       Fulong will last forever! I think Fulong will be my must go
            2012 福隆國際沙雕藝術季 風華再現                                                                                      everything. Thank you very, very much.
            The 2012 Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival  to recreation area every summer.
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