Page 12 - 2014福隆國際沙雕藝術季
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大地藝術的美麗與感動─ The beauty and touching moment of
藝術、海洋、環保、親子 the earth art Art, ocean, environment, and family
踩著溫暖細柔的沙毯,隨著一波波捲起的浪花親撫;跟著捲起的是,那時 Stepping on the warm and soft sand with your bare feet to feel the waves, it
候手持小鏟子以及水桶就能盡情挖沙堆堡的童年回憶,恣意揮灑生平第一次沙雕 seems to bring back the childhood memories of holding the small shovel and buckets
創作,那是海沙與手感的深深記憶。沙灘帶給人的快樂很簡單,卻是讓人如此滿 and digging your own sand castle. Those wonderful memories of making your own
足。 sand sculpture at the beach give you the simplest but also the most valuable happiness.
On this platform of creating beautiful sand sculptures, there is no need to get
extra materials. With no age limit nor gender restriction, you only need to retain
child’s innocence to realize the dream you have always wanted to achieve as a
國度,便能盡情遨遊其中。在這裡,每個人都是小小沙雕師,築著大藝術家的夢, child. Everyone can be a sculptor with an artist’s dream and collaborate together to
以大自然為素材,共同創造出大地藝術。靠著雙手堆、挖、掏、雕,結合豐富的 create the earth art through applying resources from the nature. Using your hands
想像力以及團隊精神,在海洋溫暖懷抱下歷經數月的傾心創作,直到最終完成獲 with unlimited creativity and teamwork, eventually, you can obtain the pleasure of
得成就的喜悅;經過時間的刻蝕,沙雕會自然崩解,於是再次回歸了大地。一種 completing your sand sculpture after several months’ hard work. As the time goes
by, the sand sculpture will collapse naturally to the earth. These unique evolving
processes form the most attractive characteristic of sand sculpture.
Combining the theme with ‘Art, Ocean, Environment, Family time’, a series of
手合作的體現,不僅創造出獨特的海岸景觀,也留下一篇篇沙雕藝術的精彩扉 activities held at Fulong Sand Sculpture Festival present both culture and nature.
頁。結合休閒的創作藝術,開啟了親近自然、建康、創意的藝術休閒領域,使人 The display of the sand sculptures not only creates the unique seashore landscape,
們在休閒娛樂當中,能夠深刻體會環境資源與人合諧共生的珍貴價值,並在大自 but also demonstrates breath-taking masterpieces. This creative art combining with
the leisure moment offers visitors to get closer to the nature, health, and recreational
art field. Visitors are expected to experience the
coexisting value of the environmental resources
and culture and further learn to cherish the beauty
of life as well as the fun from artistic creation.
Ocean Family
Art Environment
12 金沙傳奇 不思議 / 旅程 一沙一世界 閱。漫漫沙情 13
Incredible Golden Sand Legends About Fulong Beach