Page 11 - 2014福隆國際沙雕藝術季
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黃金海岸的夢幻沙城    A dream city of sand at the gold coast

 福隆海水浴場       Fulong Beach

 蔚藍陽光海岸、金沙細軟,在盛夏的悠悠時光中,不論是衝浪、浮潛、獨  Azure coast, shining sunlight, and soft golden sand all form an ideal
 木舟的水上活動,或是輕鬆踏浪、戲水、沙雕,成為炎炎夏日中獲得一身沁涼快  destination for many people to take part in any water activities, such as surfing,
              snorkeling, canoeing, walking in the waves, paddling, and sand sculpture watching
              in the summer time. Among all the beaches, Fulong Beach, situated at the
              northeast, is well-known for its natural environment with the zigzagging beach line
 除了熱門的水上活動之外,東北角鹽寮至福隆一帶,綿延三公里長的黃金  as a popular tourist spot.

 沙灘,更是許多世界級沙雕師眼中夢想馳騁「沙」場的優勝美地。由於福隆地區  In addition to popular water activities, the 3km golden beach between the
 沙質屬於石英沙,柔軟細白、觸感甚佳,其和水後可塑性佳、易膠著,被世界沙  Yanliao and Fulong is also considered a perfect location from many world-class
              sculptors. Fulong Beach has delicate sand that is extremely soft to touch. When
              water is added, it becomes very malleable, a key component in sand sculptures.
 擁有得天獨厚的天然資源,加上東北角暨宜蘭海岸國家風景區管理處的大  The sand of Fulong is so good, the World Sand Sculpting Association rated Taiwan
 力行銷推動,積極打造國內首屈一指沙雕藝術創作空間;從舉辦第一屆福隆沙雕  as one of the most suitable venues for sand sculptures.

 藝術季開始,廣邀世界各國沙雕創作者,齊聚一堂共創沙灘藝術,透過一座座動  With its ideal conditions and promotion from the Northeast and Yilan Coast
 人的沙雕作品、一個個精彩的沙雕故事,將美麗的金黃海岸妝點成夢幻沙城,成  National Scenic Area Administration, Fulong Beach has become the second to

 功地將福隆沙雕藝術推上國際的舞台。  none creativity space for sand sculptures. From the first year of holding Fulong
              International Sand Sculpture Art Festival, this event has attracted sculptors all over
              the world to create a variety of artistic works at the beach. Each sand sculpture and
              the story behind it make this gold coast a dream city of sand and further increase
              the identity of Fulong’s sand sculpture internationally.

 10  金沙傳奇 不思議 / 旅程 一沙一世界                                                              閱。漫漫沙情      11
 Incredible Golden Sand Legends                                                    About Fulong Beach
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