Page 36 - 2014福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 36

Guy Olivier Deveau | 加拿大 Canada                                                                          Kirk Rademaker | 美國 United States of America

                                      他是來自加拿大魁北克的專業沙雕以及冰雕達人。過去他的職                                                                              62 歲的 Kirk 來自美國加州的聖塔克魯茲,早在 1997 年就已經
                                  業只是一個暑假短期工作,主要在為大學哲學領域的大學研究籌措經                                                                           在舊金山的海灘進行沙雕的創作。參加數次加拿大卑詩省所舉辦的世

                                  費。在和許多專業雕刻家一起共事,當他們的助手後,他開始加強自                                                                           界冠軍沙雕大賽,後來也投入電視節目 Sandmasters( 沙雕大師 ) 二年
                                  己的技巧,最後在 2008 年參加了世界冠軍沙雕比賽,當時拿下了第                                                                        的時間。他在比利時、葡萄牙、土耳其、西班牙、法國、泰國、裴濟、
                                  4 名的成績。這也開啟了他邁向沙雕的啟蒙之路,他開始到處旅行,                                                                          紐西蘭、帛琉、哥斯大黎加、波多黎各、和墨西哥等國家,以其獨特
                                  展示出自己的藝術天份。                                                                                              的技巧創作出專業的沙雕作品。

                Guy Olivier Deveau is a professional sand and ice sculptor from Quebec, Canada. For many                 62 years old from Santa Cruz, California , Started making sand sculptures in 1997 on a beach near
            years, this occupation merely was a summer job meant to help finance university study in the field of    San Francisco. Competed numerous times at the World Championships in British Colombia, Canada
            philosophy.                                                                                              before working with the TV show” Sandmasters” for two years. Have done professional sand work in
                After meeting and working with professional sculptors as helper, he refined his skills and finally   Belgium, Portugal, Turkey, Spain, France, Thailand, Fiji, New Zealand, Palau, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico
            was able to enter the sand sculpture World Championship in 2008 where he placed 4th. This is the         and Mexico, Known for whimsical mechanical like sand sculptures.
            event that setted him on the path that he is today, traveling the world to perform his art. To see his work,
                                                                                                                                           Kevin Crawford | 澳洲 Australia
                                  Joris kivits | 荷蘭 The Netherlands
                                                                                                                                                我是 Kevin Crawford,我過著像吉普賽人遊牧的生活,體驗
                                       2011 年起,我開始創作沙雕作品,我很驚訝的意識到原來
                                                                                                                                            過各種奇妙的旅程。我從事專業沙雕者的工作已長達 32 年的時
                                   只要花少許的時間,就能製作出沙雕作品和素材所呈現的美感。                                                                             間,同時在沙雕大賽中已取得了 11 項世界冠軍。我是著名美國
                                                                                                                                            沙雕公司 (Sandscapes) 的共同創辦人以及工作夥伴,目前正在澳
                                   像是舞台秀一樣,你總是能透過自已的作品而享受過程,最後留                                                                             洲創立 Sandscapes。

                                                                                                                         My name is Kevin Crawford and I have had an incredible journey through life as a nomadic
                Since 2011 l have been making sand sculptures on a full-time base. Amazed by the relatively          sand gypsy. I have been a professional  sand sculptor for 32 years and have won over 11 World
            small amount of time that is needed to make the sand sculptures and the transience and beauty of the     Championships in Sand Sculpture competition. I was a co-founder and partner of the most successful
            material, I will continue to create my mind and thoughts in sand. Making sand sculptures for me is like a   sand sculpting company (Sandscapes) in America and now have started Sandscapes in Australia.
            theatre-act; you can enjoy it as long as it is there and than the memory and pictures are the only thing
            that remain…                                                                                                                  Melineige Beauregard | 加拿大 Canada

                                  Karen Fralich | 加拿大 Canada                                                                                   她的血液裡流著藝術的因子,她的父親是享譽全球的雕刻家

                                                                                                                                           Guy Beauregard,而她和自已的父親都成就非凡。2004 年,父女攜
                                       Karen 從事沙雕創作的工作已有 20 年的時間。1998 年,她
                                   首次參與國際大賽,到 2001 年她成為自由雕刻家。她的工作讓
                                   她有機會拜訪世界各地,同時與家人一起共同合作。她得過 5 次
                                   世界冠軍、5 次北美冠軍,也是目前唯一一位贏得單人組世界冠
                                                                                                                         she should know. Art is in her blood. Her father is internationally renowned sculptor Guy
                Karen has been creating sand sculptures for 20 years.In 1998 she entered her first international     Beauregard, and like her father, she too has achieved international success. In fact, in 2004 the father-
            contest and by 2001 she was working full time as a free-lance sculptor. Her work takes her around the    daughter duo teamed to win the World Championship in the doubles category. Since then she has
            world, collaborating with her large extended family of wonderful sculptor friends.She is a 5 time World   won several individual awards and in 2013 she was Grand Champion of the first All Woman World
            Champion and 5 time North American Champion. She is the only women to ever win the Solo World            Championship of Sand Sculpting in Florida. “For me, art is a means of communication, a way to
            Championships.                                                                                           transmit the energy of life, to affirm its vastness and its beauty”.

      36   金沙傳奇 不思議 / 旅程 一沙一世界                                                                                                                                                                 旅。沙裡世界      37
           Incredible Golden Sand Legends                                                                                                                                                 Sand Sculpture Works
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