Page 38 - 2014福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 38

Michel Lepire | 加拿大 Canada                                                                                Rusty Croft | 美國 United States of America

                                      Michel 已經從事 18 年的沙雕工作,他是 2003 年世界冠軍,同
                                  時在其他比賽中獲獎無數。他也擔任魁北克國際沙雕大賽的籌辦人 15                                                                          前途看漲。這個情形也發生在 Rusty Croft 身上,他來自於美國愛
                                  年、魁北克 400 週年沙雕展的藝術總監,並參與其他全球相關盛會,                                                                         荷華州,他在加勒比海居住期間,愛上藝術,變成了一位專業的
                                  透過自已的作品呈現自已的赤子之心。                                                                                         沙雕創作者。

                                                                                                                                                1997 年他在聖地牙哥開始了他的沙雕事業,和國際團隊一

                Michel has been sand sculpting for 18 years. Winner of the World Championship of 2003 and also                              起創作世界級的沙雕作品—「亞特蘭蒂斯消失的城市」( 一個以
            of several medals and trophies. Organizer of the competition of the (International of Sand Sculpture of                         沉沒於海底的 20 英畝的重建樂園 )。從那時起,就激發出他的創
            Quebec ) for 15 years. Orginator and artistic Director of the project (Sand of Time) at Expo Quebec for                         意,他也開始在 20 幾個國家參與沙雕工作,並且獲獎無數。
            the 400 Anniversary of Quebec. Taken part in several projects trough the World,A sculptor who remains
            young by playing in sand.                                                                                    When your ’rst project sets a world record, you know you’re onto something big. Such was the
                                                                                                                     case with Rusty Croft, an lowa Kid who became s professional sand sculptor after falling in love with
                                  Michela Ciappini | 義大利 Italy                                                       the ephemeral medium while living in the Caribbean.
                                                                                                                         Rusty’s professional sand sculpting career began in San Diego in 1997, where he worked with an
                                       2003 年,我開始進行沙雕創作,發現了另一種可以訓練自                                                  international team to create a world record setting sand sculpture, “The Lost City of Atlantis” (a 20-acre
                                                                                                                     recreation of the paradise buried beneath the sea). From that point on his creativity was unleashed and
                                                                                                                     he has sculpted sand in over 20 different countries, winning many awards and accolades along the
                                   也參加許多歐洲的相關活動,甚至接觸冰雕的部分。用雙手創作                                                      way.

                                   物件與雕刻作品有著很大的熱忱。                                                                                        Sue McGrew | 美國 United States of America

                On 2003 I stared to carve sand in my place on the beach and I discovered a new way to train
            myself on art. Since that time I did more and more sand projects and I joined also different event around                      度,都歸功於她早期孩童時期的經驗,以及和吉澤章一同學習的成
            Europe, till I even have met snow. Making art and working with my hands have been always a pleasure                            果。
            for me. I am passionate to design, to create and realize objects and sculptures.
                                                                                                                                               在她 10 歲大時,她當時所創作出來的沙雕作品已讓世界臣服於
                                  Pedro Mira | 葡萄牙 Portugal                                                                                了她完美的作品,這也是她沙雕生涯中的一個重要轉捩點,讓她後來

                                       1970 年出生於里斯本,並在當地的美術學院學習雕塑,以
                                   及在葡萄牙攝影藝術學院學習攝影技巧。他在 90 年代早期開始                                                        Her flowing organic style, three dimensional roots in origami, and fear of sandy crevices can be
                                   自己的事業,並且參與各種藝術展覽。Pedro Mira 目前在葡萄牙                                                attributed to her early childhood experiences and study with Akira Yoshizawa, Grand Master of this
                                                                                                                     sector of monks.
                                   Alentejo 一家私人的工作室進行創作,他同時也參與全國重要節
                                                                                                                         At 10 year’s old, Sue’s life look a turn for the bizarre when she was working on a sand sculpture
                                   慶以及比賽的沙雕作業,他優異的技巧也使他獲獎無數。                                                         that was to be so magnificent, that all of the world would bow down at her tiny sandy feet. The moment
                                                                                                                     when Sue was finalizing the last stroke of her palette knife, a stoned Frisbee-throwing coed crashed
                Pedro Mira was born in 1970 in Lisbon, where he studied sculpture at the Faculty of Fine Arts and    into her work of pure awesomeness and kicked sand in Sue’s face. And it was in that chilling moment
            photography at the Portuguese Institute of Photography.He began his career in the early 90s and has      the seeds were sown for the sweet girl child of sand sculpting to morph into the woman now known as
            exposed at various art exhibitions since then. Pedro Mira currently develops his work in a private studio   the ’Dragon Lady of Sand Sculpting’.
            in Alentejo, Portugal, He also sculpts in sand at major festivals and competitions around the world and
            has been distinguished with several awards.

      38   金沙傳奇 不思議 / 旅程 一沙一世界                                                                                                                                                                 旅。沙裡世界      39
           Incredible Golden Sand Legends                                                                                                                                                 Sand Sculpture Works
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