Page 35 - 2014福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 35


 Introduction of the sand sculpture team

 JOOheng Tan | 新加坡 Singapore    Amazin’Walter | 美國 United States of America

 英國每日郵報稱之為「沙雕梵谷」。新加坡雕刻師 JOOheng Tan   神奇華特的全名為 Walter McDonald,也稱自已為 SOB( 海灘小
 在 90 年代晚期愛上了沙雕藝術。2000 年,他在荷蘭參加了國際  子 ),打從 1978 年起,就在美國德州南帕德里島海灘以其用沙雕製

 沙雕大賽,他的初試啼聲取得第一名的榮耀。由於對沙雕的熱愛,   作高塔以及令人驚歎的城堡作品而聞名。
 JOOheng 的創作在全球 20 幾個國家的 50 幾個城市中進行展覽。他  神奇華特在許多沙雕比賽當中也獲獎無數,其中包括了他的在維
 所展露的卓越沙雕才華,使他在各種沙雕冠軍賽中獲得許多殊榮。   吉尼亞沙灘所參加的第一個北美沙雕冠軍賽的達人大賽章。而在世界
 Joo Heng Tan 是世界頂尖沙雕藝術家之一,更是 2014 年福隆國際沙雕藝術季策展總監。
 今年由 JOOheng Tan 帶領成立於西元 2000 年的新加坡 Sandworkz 團隊,構思規劃聞名古今中  Amazin’Walter, born Walter McDonald, aka, the “Old SOB” Himself”,(Son of the Beach) has been
           dazzling beach visitors since 1978 at South Padre Island with the soaring towers and impossible arches
 外的「旅程」主題,結合藝術創作、想像力、歷史內涵等世界集體記憶,打造一場別出心裁  of his castles made of sand.

 的福隆金沙奇幻傳奇旅程。  Amazin’Walter has won many medals, trophies and cash awards for his competition sculptures
           including his first masters competition in Virginia Beach at the North American Sand Sculpting
 Halled as Vincent Sand Gogh by the Dailymail UK. Singapore sculptor JOOheng Tan fell in
 love with the art of sand sculpting in the late 90s. His debut in 2000 saw him attain First prize in the   Championship. Competing in the World Championship competition he won medals in the solo division,
 International Sand Sculpting Competition in the Netherlands. As a result of his fueling passion for sand   the two person team division, and the large team division.
 sculpting, JOOheng’s works have been showcased in over 50 cities across more than 20 countries
 around the world. There are no signs of stopping for this sand sculptor extraordinaire as in front of him
 lies plenty of prizes in various sand sculpting championships, including the world.  Benoit Dutherage | 法國 France
 As one of the sand sculptors extraordinaire in the world, Joo Heng Tan is invited to be the
 Executive Director of 2014 Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival. This year, Joo Heng Tan   我們週遭的每一件事件以及每一個時刻都是一時的,但它們獨
 led his Singapore team, Sandworkz, established in 2000, to design a theme based on ‘journeys’ at   特的美麗將留在我們的心中。
 different times. This theme combined artistic creation, imaginations, and historical events in an attempt   因緣際會下接觸到沙雕後,我的人生開始有了大轉變,突然搖
 to create an unprecedented golden incredible journey at Fulong Beach.
 獲獎記錄 Awards and Prizes           提供工藝、繪沙等課程。

 2013 年 美國維吉尼亞海灘國際沙雕冠軍大賽 第一名
 2013 First Prize Neptune Festival International Sand Sculpting Championship  Each things around us, every moments we spent are temporary, but, we’ll keep an unforgettable
            souvenir of their beauty.
 2012 年 福隆國際沙雕比賽  第一名  Until I met sand sculpture on an event, life has changed for me and suddendly, I had to be a
 2012 First PrizeFulong International Sand Sculpting Championship
            sandcarver. Then, I got hired on the event as staff, welcoming visitors, technical, animating sand
 2011 年 美國世界沙雕大賽  第一名  lessons for kids….
 2011 First Prize  World Championship of Sand Sculpting , United States of America
 2011 年 日本世界沙雕大賽  第一名  獲獎記錄 Awards and Prizes
 2011 First Prize World Championship of Sand Sculpting , Japan  2004 年 加拿大魁北克會展中心團體組第 2 名

 2008 年 德國世界沙雕大賽  第一名  2004  2nd prize, Team- Expocite Quebec, Canada.
 2008 World Championship of Sand Sculpting , Germany

 34  金沙傳奇 不思議 / 旅程 一沙一世界                                                              旅。沙裡世界      35
 Incredible Golden Sand Legends                                                   Sand Sculpture Works
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