Page 72 - 2014福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 72

10/24~11/22                                                                                              11/23~12/21
       傳奇主角                                                         天蠍座                                                                                                      射手座

        Exhibition                                                  Scorpio                                                                                                  Sagittarius

                  黃金獵人俄里翁的獵戶座每年春天出現在西方,而殺死他的毒蠍子則出現在相                                                                        傳奇性的半人馬 ( 一半是馬,一半是人 ) 據說居住在希臘北方的塞薩利平原上,
             反的東方。由於天蠍座的星星通常會帶來暴風雨,因此成為航海船員們最懼怕的星                                                                      這些半人馬擁有不死之身。星帶上的射手座弓箭手,將弓箭對準了旁邊天蠍座中心
             座。但對鍊金術士而言,11 月天蠍座的季節,當萬物枯萎時,就是最佳的煉金時機。                                                                   的紅色星星-心宿二。近年來,發現弓箭頂端上的星星指向銀河的中心。

                  天蠍座擁有豐富的想像力和與生俱來的神秘氣質,因此對於充滿神秘性、故事                                                                        熱情大方,注重享樂的射手座,「新奇好玩」是旅程最終目標,在在展現童心
             性的國度,會深深引發他們探究的興趣。                                                                                        未泯的一面。

                  As the Golden Huntsman, Orion, sets in the West each Spring, Scorpio - the scorpion which killed          The legendary centaurs, who were half horse, half man, are said to have lived on the plains of Thessaly
             him - rises in the East.Its stars have always been feared by sailors, as its rising promised storms. But for the   in northern Greece. They are immortalised in the heavens as the starry archer, Sagittarius, who aims his arrow
             alchemists, November, Scorpio's season, when the earth decays, was the best time for making gold. The     at Antares, the great red star that marks the heart of Scorpio, beside him. The star that marks the tip of his
             scorpion in the skies was also sacred to the god of war 7000 years ago in the Euphrates valley. Antares, the   arrow points towards the centre of our galaxy -something we have only recently become aware of.
             great red star that marks the heart of Scorpio, is 9000 times brighter than our sun. Scorpio, with its curving tail,
             lies between Libra and Sagittarius on the zodiac band.

      72   金沙傳奇 不思議 / 旅程 一沙一世界                                                                                                                                                                 旅。沙裡世界      73
           Incredible Golden Sand Legends                                                                                                                                                 Sand Sculpture Works
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