Page 68 - 2014福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 68

6/21~7/22                                                                                                 7/23~8/22
       傳奇主角                                                         巨蟹座                                                                                                      獅子座

        Exhibition                                                  Cancer                                                                                                   Leo

                   巨蟹座螃蟹符號所呈現的人格特質,象徵著堅忍的形象,堅硬的外殼下保護著                                                                      獅子座有著太陽的符號,位於太陽系的中心位置,是天空中崇高的管理者。遠
              柔軟與脆弱的核心。巨蟹座和大部分符號不同,月亮為其專屬的宮主星,它的主宰                                                                     古時期,當太陽升到最高位置和獅子座的群星們共列時,會發出最耀眼的光芒。也
              星期與宮主星都有著「寒冷和潮溼」的特質。透過對其特質的瞭解,可呈現出在巨                                                                     因為這樣的特色,在藝術、神話、以及圖像研究中,獅子通常被塑造成太陽力量、

              蟹座厚重與堅硬外殼下複雜的敏感性。                                                                                        權威、榮耀、光線和光輝等強而有力的象徵。
                   戀家、講求安全感的巨蟹座,適合愜意舒適、幽靜溫馨的旅遊氛圍,喜歡心曠                                                                      光芒耀眼、眾所矚目的獅子座,喜愛至高無上的旅行品味,喜歡被重視、被尊
              神怡的美好感受。安穩安定是巨蠍座所重視的,因此溫馨感、人情味和優雅感的旅                                                                     重的感受,因此豪華或總統級的旅程能讓他們備感愉悅。


                  As the sign of the Crab, the psychological traits of Cancer are characterized by the image of a creature   Leo is the sign of the Sun, the central heart of the solar system, majestic ruler of the heavens.
              with a tough, hardened shell protecting a soft and vulnerable centre. Cancer is ruled by the Moon and belongs   In ancient times the Sun came to its full glory and reached the height of its annual ascent as it joined
              to the element of water. Unlike most signs, which share their planetary rulers, Cancer claims exclusive rights to   the stars in the constellation of the Lion. Ever since, lions have been portrayed in art, myth and
              the Moon, both sign and planetary ruler termed 'cold and moist' in nature. Understanding the essence of that   iconography as powerful symbols of solar strength, supremacy, glory, light and brilliance.
              phrase reveals a lot about the complex sensitivity that lies beneath the Cancerian's thick, crustaceous shell.

      68   金沙傳奇 不思議 / 旅程 一沙一世界                                                                                                                                                                 旅。沙裡世界      69
           Incredible Golden Sand Legends                                                                                                                                                 Sand Sculpture Works
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