Page 70 - 2014福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 70

8/23~9/23                                                                                                 9/24~10/23
       傳奇主角                                                         處女座                                                                                                      天秤座

        Exhibition                                                  Virgo                                                                                                    Libra

                   處女座是黃道帶上的第六個星座,同時也是第二個人文表象的星座。處女座通                                                                      在遠古時期,天秤座通常被視為正義、和諧、以及平衡的代表星座。羅馬的正義
              常被描述為一個年輕女子,手上抱著一束小麥,通常會和收穫做連結。                                                                         女神阿斯特莉亞,持有著代表公平正義的秤;而巴比倫人將這些秤視為人死後,測量
                   除了追求完美,處女座更是謹慎小心,講求整齊、乾淨的優美旅行環境,讓自                                                                 靈魂重量的依據。當太陽的位置在秋天移動到天秤座時,白天和夜晚就會有著相同的

              己享受清閒愜意的美好時光。                                                                                           長度,並達到完美的平衡。

                   Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac and the second sign to have a human representation rather than an   Justice, harmony and balance have been associated with the stars of Libra in ancient times.
              animal one. Virgo is often depicted as a young woman holding a sheaf of wheat, for the constellation of Virgo   These are the scales of the Roman goddess of justice, Astraea. The Babylonians saw them as the
              has always been associated with the harvest.                                                            scales in which the souls of the dead were weighed - when the Sun moves into Libra in the Autumn,
                                                                                                                      the days and nights are of equal length, and so finely balanced.

      70   金沙傳奇 不思議 / 旅程 一沙一世界                                                                                                                                                                 旅。沙裡世界      71
           Incredible Golden Sand Legends                                                                                                                                                 Sand Sculpture Works
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