Page 16 - 2016福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 16



              Previous themes of the sand sculpture event- bring you surprises every year.

              2008                                        2009

              悠遊海洋世界                                      東北角沙雕美地

                  數十位知名沙雕師進行集體沙雕創作,                           東北角的觀光資源搖身一變成為迷你版

              打造了「海洋總動員」和「航海王冒險」兩座                        的沙雕主題創作,配合觀光局推動「觀光拔尖
              大型沙雕作品,將海洋世界搬上福隆沙灘,揭                        領航方案」,以具體的美學形塑「拔尖」、「築
              櫫環保、生態、藝術的內涵與價值。                            底」、「提升」三大主軸概念,引領民眾欣賞

               A Carefree Tour under the Sea
                                                          A Wonderful Sand Sculpture
                  A dozen of sand sculpting masters are invited to
              create two giant sand sculptures- 'Kingdom under the   Location in the Northeast Coast.
              sea' and 'One piece.’ Mysterious underwater world   Enriched tourism resources at the northeast
              is presented at Fulong Beach to promote ideas of   are turned into miniatures of sand sculptures at
              environmental protection, ecology, and art.
                                                          Fulong Beach to promote the 'Project Vanguard for
                                                          Excellence in Tourism' proposed by the Tourism
                                                          Bureau. The three main principles, 'launching
                                                          project summit', 'implementing project keystone',
                                                          and 'implementing project propeller' are applied on
                                                          the sand sculptures in the hope of leading visitors to
                                                          discover the charm of the northeast.

       16  金沙榮耀.福隆國際沙雕藝術季
           Glory of Golden Sand ∙ Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival
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