Page 19 - 2016福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 19

2014                                        2015

                旅程,一沙一世界                                    世界玩具聯合國

                    「金沙傳奇不思議 / 旅程一沙一世界」為                        福隆沙灘歡化成黃金閃閃的「玩具聯合
                主題,帶領遊客跟著哥倫布、馬可波羅、孫悟                        國」,來自中西方不同年代流行的玩具,喚醒
                空、十二星座等奇妙傳說,在金沙世界裡展開                        了童年的珍貴回憶,牽引著遊客再度回到幼時
                一段不可思議的驚奇之旅。                                的孩提時光。

                 Incredible Golden Sand Legends              Toy’s United Nations

                    With the theme of ‘Incredible golden sand   Fulong’s golden sand is magically turned into all
                legends’, visitors are led to begin a journey through a   kinds of toys in the world. Toys from both the east and
                number of legends, including Christopher Columbus,   the west at different times are now gathered at Fulong
                Marco Polo, Monkey King, and the 12 zodiac signs.   Beach to bring back lots of childhood memories.

                                                                                         〘福隆.金沙榮耀     19
                                                                                      Golden sand at Fulong Beach
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