Page 88 - 2016福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 88


                 金沙榮耀 臺灣之光

                 Glory of Golden Sand –
                 the Pride of Taiwan
                                                           隊伍名稱  華岡幫
                                                           隊長 潘格邑 隊員:吳軒宇、許瑜珍

              棒球一直以來為臺灣的國球,多位臺灣棒球                       Baseball is commonly considered the national sport
                                                        in Taiwan. Taiwan has been exporting baseball talents
                                                        to many countries in the world. The Taiwan baseball
              2014 的 12 強比賽中晉身世界排名第三,棒球                 team is currently ranked as the third in the world by
              這樣的運動讓這個小島全民同心,臺灣更以此                      the International Baseball Federation since 2014. It is
                                                        a national passion that the whole society can relate to
              為榮。                                       and people in Taiwan feel special pride in it.

       88  金沙榮耀.福隆國際沙雕藝術季
           Glory of Golden Sand∙ Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival
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