Page 84 - 2016福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 84



                 Before your Eyes

                                                          佳作   Masterpiece

                                                          隊伍名稱  666
                                                          隊長  鍾國奕 隊員:康嘉娟、梁若珩

               臺灣人手機上網平均每天約 197 分鐘,位居                    On average, Taiwanese people spend around 197
                                                         minutes surfing on the Internet with their cell phones
                                                         every day. The time they spend on their cell phones
               之間只剩下符號與貼圖,而忽略了眼前的美                       is ranked as the top one in the world. People only
               好。「眼前」透過摩艾石像,以惡搞的方式                       see the advantages of cell phones without realizing
                                                         the negative impact they bring to our lives. With a cell
               來表達這個社會現象,讓您放下你手邊的事                       phone in their hands, people tend to ignore beautiful
               務,透過雙眼用心欣賞這片海,重拾兒少回                       things in front of them. "Before your eyes" uses a
                                                         sarcastic way through the Moai to remind people to
                                                         regain their childhood memories by putting their work
                                                         aside and enjoying the stunning view of the sea in front
                                                         of them.
       84  金沙榮耀.福隆國際沙雕藝術季
           Glory of Golden Sand∙ Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival
   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89