Page 87 - 2016福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 87


                臺灣黑熊 快樂玉山遊

                Formosan Black Bear's
                Tour in Yushan
                                                          隊伍名稱  Oh 熊 i 臺灣
                                                          隊長 林斐琪 隊員:洪與澤、陳妍妡

              一位布農族的獵人曾經說過 :「如果山上沒有                    A hunter from the Bunun tribe once said, “You feel lonely
                                                       if there is no bear in the mountain because it is like no
                                                       one living in the forest.” (quoted from the website of
              樣」( 摘自臺灣黑熊保育網 )。相信身為臺灣                   Conservation and Research of Formosan Black Bears)
              的一份子的你,對臺灣黑熊與玉山肯定不陌                      The Formosan black bear, a subspecies of the Asiatic
                                                       black bear, is endemic to Taiwan. Yushan, also known as
              生,「臺灣黑熊」是亞洲黑熊的臺灣特有亞                      Mount Yu, is the highest mountain in Taiwan. People in
              種,「玉山」則是臺灣最高山脈,所以兩者可                     Taiwan are all familiar with these two spiritual symbols,
                                                       Formosan black bears and Yushan. The event, ‘Formosan
                                                       Black Bear’s Tour in Yushan’ celebrates the repopulation
              了慶祝臺灣黑熊在玉山復育有成外,更希望黑                     of Formosan black bear in Yushan and also provides an
                                                       opportunity for the world to know more about Taiwan.

                                                                                         〘雕沙.精刻細琢  87
                                                                                            Precise carving
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