Page 15 - 2017福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 15

The 10th anniversary of Fulong International Sand
              Sculpture Art Festival & 60th anniversary of Fulong Beach

              A magnificent sand sculpting event in 2017

                Taiwan, surrounded by sea waters and mountains, was   Sandiaowan Fishermen's Association. In 1959, Taiwan
            named Formosa by the Portuguese in the 16th century due   Railway Administration (TRA) was appointed to take over
            to its beautiful landscape as seen from the sea. With a close   the management of Fulong Beach. It was reopened to the
            bond with the ocean, people living on this island are able to   public in 1961 and developed with hotels and restaurants in
            admire the magnificent scenery formed by the boundless sea   1983, making it one of the most popular beaches in Taiwan.
            and sky. The view stretching to the horizon creates a dream-  In 1999, the management of Fulong Beach was
            like space for people to start a journey in the world of fantasy.  transferred to the Northeast and Yiland Coast National
                Situated at the northeast of Taiwan, Fulong's location   Scenic Area Administration through the Tourism Bureau.
            adjacent to mountains and the ocean forms a breathtaking   The Administration launched the first Fulong International
            view. Among all the tourist spots, Fulong Beach, a 3-km   Sand Sculpture Art Festival in 2008 by inviting skilled sand
            stretch of golden sand, is the most famous beach in   sculptors from all over the world to present their creativity
            northern Taiwan. The beach's soft quartz sand makes it the   through giant sand sculptures based on a different theme
            most precious golden beach on the island. Its golden sand   each year. The vivid artistic sand pieces have attracted
            has outstanding texture and becomes highly malleable and   more visitors each year, making this grand festival the most
            bonds easily after it is mixed with water. Therefore, this area   popular sand sculpting event in Taiwan.
            is evaluated as the most suitable place for sand sculpting in   This year is the 10th year of Fulong International Sand
            Taiwan by the World Sand Sculpting Association.   Sculpture Art Festival and the 60th year since the launch of
                Fulong Beach was administered by the military   Fulong Beach. The organizers endeavor to offer the most
            after Taiwan's restoration before it was jointly managed   splendid sand sculpting event on Fulong's golden beach
            by the Gongliao District Office of Taipei County and   while demonstrating Taiwan's local features to the world.

                                                                            十載.榮耀︱ A remarkable honor  13
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