Page 17 - 2017福隆國際沙雕藝術季
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Infinite possibilities with water and sand
An emerging environmental-friendly form of art in Fulong
The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Beaches are considered precious resources. People of all
has declared 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable ages like to take off their clothes, hear the ocean waves hitting
Tourism for Development with the core concept in which the sand beach, feel the warm beach sand in their hands,
travelling does not impact the natural, social, historic and listen to the sea breeze, and smell the sea salt in the air once
cultural environment during its development. Taiwan's Tourism they arrive at Fulong beach. Apart from exploring the charm
Bureau has launched the 2017 Ecotourism Year and expects to of sand with your body, sand and water can also be used to
integrate a variety of resources to develop in-depth ecotourism create sand sculptures on the beach. The process of creating
activities in local areas. Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art sand sculptures does not cause any harm to the earth so it is
Festival, as the initiator of Taiwan's large-scale outdoor activity, considered an eco-friendly art form.
has always followed the concept of sustainable development Sculpting masters not only work together to present
as its core value. This event combines local culture and art with creativity through their sand sculptures but also get to know
ecotourism. Fulong's unique golden beach is used as the best each other during this event. Surrounded by the beautiful
ecotourism venue to develop a series of lively and amazing scenery, visitors are able to leave their busy lives behind.
sand sculpting activities in the hope of conveying humanistic Visitors must not miss this opportunity to admire these stunning
values and the beauty of nature to people who cherish the land. sand sculptures on Fulong beach.
十載.榮耀︱ A remarkable honor 15