Page 21 - 2017福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 21
2008 2009
悠遊海洋世界 東北角沙雕美地
A Carefree Tour under the Sea A Wonderful Sand Sculpture Location in
the Northeast Coast
海洋世界總是令人嚮往,由數十位知名沙雕 配合觀光局推動的「觀光拔尖領航方案」,東
大師聯手創作「海洋總動員」和「航海王冒險」 北角的觀光資源藉由美學的「拔尖」、「築底」、「提
兩座大型沙雕作品,展現海洋的奇幻、冒險與趣 升」三大主軸,呈現迷你版的沙雕創作,帶領民
味,要讓遊客沉浸在福隆沙雕的無限魅力之中。 眾相約前往福隆黃金沙灘欣賞東北角福隆的自然
The mysterious underwater world always sounds
desirable. A dozen of sand sculpting masters are invited to Enriched tourism resources at the northeast are
create two giant sand sculptures- 'Kingdom under the sea' turned into miniatures of sand sculptures at Fulong
and 'One piece' to present fantasy, adventures, and fun of Beach to promote the 'Project Vanguard for Excellence in
the ocean in the hope of immersing visitors in the charm of Tourism' proposed by the Tourism Bureau. The three main
sand sculptures in Fulong. principles, 'launching project summit', 'implementing project
keystone', and 'implementing project propeller' are applied
on the sand sculptures in the hope of leading visitors to
discover the charm of Fulong's golden sand beaches.
十分.經典︱ Classic artwork 19