Page 20 - 2017福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 20


           Sand sculptures in Fulong with infinite surprises

             沙雕的歷史悠久,數千年前的埃及恆河已有沙                          Sand sculpting is the oldest form of sculpting in
          雕的紀錄,而當代沙雕藝術歷經百年推演,形成今                       the world. The history of sand sculpting dates back
                                                       to thousands of years ago in River Ganges, Egypt.
                                                       After continuous evolution over hundreds of years, the
          鹽寮地區,在 2008 年成為各方沙雕好手競技的藝
                                                       contemporary art of sand sculpting focuses on making
          術殿堂,發展至今邁入第十屆的福隆國際沙雕藝術                       giant sand sculptures. Sand sculpting activities first started
          季,每一步走來充滿無限驚奇。                               at Yanliao beach on the northeast coast since 2008.
             現在,就讓我們一起重溫福隆國際沙雕藝術                       Fulong beach has become the venue where all the skilled
                                                       sand sculptors over the world show off their talents. It
                                                       has been 10 years since the Administration held the first
                                                       Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival in 2008 to
                                                       promote sand sculpting art in Taiwan.
                                                           Let's  review  the  glorious  history  of  Fulong
                                                       International Sand Sculpture Art Festival over the past
                                                       years below.

       18 福隆金沙.十年有城︱ Fulong Golden Sand- a glory of a decade
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