Page 77 - 2017福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 77


 Spiritual Power

                                      ﹝國際比賽 International ﹞
                                                                   Honorable Mention

                                       ˰֚ɽˮ                     2017 Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival International Sand Sculpting Championship
                                       King Sejong

                                       世宗大王被視為韓國史上最具影響力的國王,在他 32 年的王朝當中,
             Ӎᎉࢪ                       世宗大王同時也是人道主義者,堅持在審判前應經過 3 次審問,同時
             Jihoon Choi               禁止對罪犯進行凶殘的處罰,例如-鞭刑。
             韓國╱ South Korea
                                       King Sejong the Great is regarded as the most enlightened king in Korean history.During his
                                       32-year reign, He energetically promoted learning. He was responsible for the creation of the
                                       Korean Hangul alphabet, and this scientific alphabet is his most known achievement. This
                                       alphabet enabled literacy to become more available to the general population. In addition to
                                       Hangul, Sejong also invented a rain gauge, striking water clocks, and a sundial. Following
                                       the principles of Neo-Confucianism, Sejong was also a humanitarian who proclaimed that
                                       there must be three trials before a final judgment is reached, and he prohibited brutality in the
                                       punishment of criminals, such as flogging.
                                                                           十在 ‧ 精彩︱ Wonderful moments   75
   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82