Page 80 - 2017福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 80

﹝國際比賽 International ﹞


                                    Hero of Transcendental Meditation

                                    這是關於尼泊爾靈修少年的故事。傳說少年為活佛轉世,名為 Ram
                                    Bahardur BomJon,在 1990 年 4 月 9 日出身於尼泊爾。西元 2005 年,Ram

                                    Bomjon 開始在菩提樹下打坐,10 個月內沒有進食也沒有睡覺,有幾千位
          Ӎᎉࢪ                       民眾親眼見證這個神聖的景象。
          Paul Hoggard
          愛爾蘭╱ Ireland              This is the incredible story of a living deity, known to the world as the "Buddha Boy" of
                                    Nepal. He is believed to be the reincarnation of Buddha. His name is Ram Bahardur
                                    BomJon, he was born on 9th April, 1990 in Nepal. Back in 2005 Ram Bomjon started
                                    sitting and meditating in the roots of a pipal tree. For a period of 10 months without any
                                    food,water or sleep whilst in deep meditation. Many thousands of people witnessed his
                                    feats of control over his body for long periods of time.

       78 福隆金沙.十年有城︱ Fulong Golden Sand- a glory of a decade
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