Page 79 - 2017福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 79

﹝國際比賽 International ﹞


                                       Jesus Christ

             Ӎᎉࢪ                       體分別代表父、子、聖靈,同時以愛心圍繞著玻璃,象徵神愛世人。
             Michael Bradley
             美國╱ U.S.A                 My hero is my savior, Jesus Christ. He has inspired many of the world's greatest
                                       masterpieces as well as amazing architecture. My sculpture will be a castle with a large
                                       stained glass window of Christ with open arms. Hopefully it will represent the Methodist
                                       saying: "Open Hearts,Open Minds, Open Doors". There will be 3 spheres on top of 3
                                       towers representing the trinity; The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. Hearts will
                                       encircle the stained glass as a symbol of his love for all people.

                                                                           十在 ‧ 精彩︱ Wonderful moments   77
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