Page 91 - 2017福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 91
2017 ၽᝄӍᎉɽᒄ : 金沙城的寶藏.在地風華
Treasures of the Town of Golden Sands- Charming Fulong
2017 福隆「國內創意沙雕比賽」於 5 月 26 至 28 日間精彩登場,本次以「金沙城的寶藏-在地風華」
Sad Yan Intersection 為主題,參賽隊伍發揮巧思以臺灣黑熊、福隆美景、海邊玩沙回憶、龜山島、天燈、海洋生態以及草嶺隧
2017 Fulong Domestic Sand Sculpture Competition takes place from May 26th to 28th. "Treasure of the Golden Sands:
Charming Fulong" being the competition theme for the domestic contest, all the contestants show off their creativity with local
features and create numerous artworks, including Taiwan black bears, spectacular view of Fulong, wonderful memories at
beaches, Kueishan Island, sky lanterns, marine lives, and Caoling Tunnel. These amazing sand sculptures present the most
precious treasure from the creators and allow visitors to immerse in the charm of this world of golden sand.
A glimpse of the treasures of the Town of Golden Sands
After going around the sand castle and
visiting heroes from different countries,
there is a sign indicating the treasure
map inside a wooden box. Visitors are
able to find treasury on this golden
beach by following the treasure map.
It is said that the treasury hides
the most beautiful scenery of
the northeast. Let's follow the
instructions on the treasure
map to find out!
十在 ‧ 精彩︱ Wonderful moments 89