Page 96 - 2017福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 96

﹝國內比賽 Domestic ﹞
                                                                  Honorable Mention

                                    ɓৎԸЪ܄                      2017 Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival Domestic Sand Sculpting Championship
                                    Be our guests

                                    「福隆金沙.十年有城」以海洋動物、白熊、 海鷗 、企鵝、 章魚一同來

                                    "Fulong Golden Sand- a glory of a decade" invites many marine species, polar bears,
                                    seagulls, penguins, and octopuses to be guests and have fun at Fulong beach.

                                    ඟͼΤ၈   ˺˺ِӍ    隊長:黃建寰    隊員:詹凱復

       94 福隆金沙.十年有城︱ Fulong Golden Sand- a glory of a decade
   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101