Page 20 - 雕鐫海之角
P. 20
1. The Bitou Cape contains shale layers, which are easily weathered and
eroded by rain water.
2. There are various fossils in the sand stone-shale layer, such as sea
shells and foraminifer, and they are usually well preserved and form
fossil beds. The layer is possibly from deposition on the continental
3. The sand stone in Bitou Cape exhibits cross bedding, which is
supportive evidence of ancient water flow directions.
4. The shell fossil sand trace fossils, all provide evidence and elaboration
of ancient biology evolution.
5. Bitou area has diverse terrains and landscapes. Large abrasion
cliffs, abrasion stairs and abrasion platforms, together with small
mushroom-shaped stones, crisscross layer and bean curd-shaped
6. Although abrasion stairs, cliffs and shore platforms are common in the
northeast and Yilan coast scenic area, Bitou area has these 3 kinds
of the terrains and landscapes at the same time. The area has a fossil
鼻頭-龍洞地質公園的特色 record, which the other areas lack.
7.Longdong is formed from the most
1.鼻頭角的砂岩裡夾有頁岩層,由於頁岩受雨水侵 國家風景區內為常見的地形景觀,但是鼻頭角卻
ancient and hardest sandstone in i n
蝕及風化的速度較砂岩快,而形成海蝕凹壁。 是同時擁有此三種地形景觀之地,加以區內小地
the north coast.
2.砂岩及頁岩中均富含各類化石,包括貝殼及有孔 形發達,並富含化石,也是此區最具特色的地 8.The impressive marine arch and
蟲,經常集中而成化石帶,且保存良好。此層可 方。 marine cliff in Longdong are the
能是在大陸棚淺海環境下沉積形成。 7.龍洞整個是由北濱相對最堅硬的岩石「四稜砂 largest on the north coast, and the cave
3.鼻頭角的砂岩層中,常見堆積過程中形成交錯層 岩」(又稱龍洞砂岩)所構成。 forms the largest marine arch in Taiwan,
(又稱偽層),它們隱藏著古代流水方向的證據。 8.海拱與海蝕崖均雄偉,以龍洞規模最大,該洞經 which reaches of a height 3.8 meters.
9.The coast palisade stretches one kilometer
4.貝殼化石或生痕化石為古代生物演進過程提供說 海蝕已貫穿小岬,成為典型之拱門。
beyond the Longdong, with height range from 30 meters to hundred meters, and is
明。 9.龍洞岬附近綿延約1公里的海岸岩壁,高度約30公
regarded as a natural rock climbing field.
5.鼻頭角地區具有相當多樣的地形景觀,不論是範 尺至上百公尺不等,為一天然的攀岩場地。
10.Weathering patterns can also be seen in Longdong. The reason is the rain and sea
圍較大的海崖、海階與海蝕平臺,或是範圍較小 10.龍洞也可看到風化紋,造成的原因是雨水或海水 water moving along the surface breach oxidized the iron minerals, and forms a ferric
的蕈狀岩、交錯層、豆腐岩等,其特色無法以人 沿著岩石的破裂面,使得含有鐵質礦物的部分產 oxide pattern.
工景觀來取代。 生氧化作用,形成氧化鐵的帶狀花紋。 11.The topography of uplifted horst and wedge-shaped graben can be seen in
6.雖然海階、海崖與海蝕平臺在東北角暨宜蘭海岸 11.龍洞灣下可見到地壘與地塹的地形。 Longdong.
地質圖書 Geopark at Northeast and Yilan Coast National Scenic Area