Page 45 - 雕鐫海之角
P. 45

                             正斷層                 translational fault          右移斷層
                             Normal Fault                                     right-slip fault

                                                                fault plane

                    斷裂面                     斷裂面
 節理                 fault plane             fault plane

 Joint                                                斷層        Fault

             A fault is a fracture of the crust which causes the   斷層是岩層形成斷裂,並產生錯移。其種類
 節理是岩石的裂隙,節理與斷層的差異在於  adjacent stratifications to move along the fault line.
 節理的塊體並無相對移動。節理越發達,岩塊越  There are three kinds of faults. Normal faults are the
          result of tensions within the crust, and the hanging wall   下盤形成相對向下移動的正斷層、上盤對下盤形
          will slide downwards along the fault plane to the foot   成相對向上推移的逆斷層及上下盤在水平面上相
          wall. Thrust faults are the, compression of both sides   對之位移,而無上下垂直移動的平移斷層三種。
 攜帶至節理處沉澱時,氧化鐵的膠結物對抗侵蝕  of the crust, and the hanging wall slides over the foot
 的作用較強,形成許多風化紋路的特殊地景。  wall along the fault plane. Faults and folds often appear
          at the same time.                           岩層產生褶皺作用。堅硬的砂岩在褶皺時發生被
 A joint is a cleavage in a rock, and the difference
             Strike-slip faults result from the relative movement   拉張的現象,因此砂岩就形成了許多的正斷層以
 between a fault and a joint is that there is no relative
          of two blocks along the strike directions and produce a
 movement between blocks in a joint.                  及節理構造。
          wrench fault from the compressional forces. Longdong
 Generally speaking, a joint is a planar surface,
          cape has many small normal faults resulting from
 but sometimes it becomes a curved surface. A joint
          tension forces.
 is also a discontinuity where the rock can be eroded
 easily because water and air can move more easily
 and increase the rate of weathering. The joints can
 intersect at different angles and can result in the
 formation of  unique tiny landscapes; for example,
 chessboard rock is the product of the weathering of
 two sets of perpendicular joints.

 地質圖書                                                            Geopark at Northeast and Yilan Coast National Scenic Area
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