Page 57 - 雕鐫海之角
P. 57

▲  和尚蟹 monk crabs
                                               he Northeast and Yilan Coast National Scenic Area receives
                                             Tabundant rainfall. With the ecology generally undisturbed,
 兔、白鼻心等。                                     in addition to a rich flora, this area is also well-suited for animal

 生態資源    昆蟲                                  inhabitation and breeding. The Hillstream Loach, Leopard Cat,
                                             hydrothermal vent crab Xenograpsus testudinatus and other various
                                             rare species are all commonly seen here.
 Ecology - A Variety   以鞘翅目、鱗翅目為主;其中大白斑          Mammals
                                                Commonly seen mammals include the wild boar, wild rabbit,
 of Various Species   蝶、大紋白蝶、蟻獅、臺灣大蟋蟀及  ▲ 小水鴨  Green-winged Teal  Formosan gem-faced civet, snakes and lizards.

   野生鳥類                                         The Idea leuconoe clara, Talbotia naganum karumii, antlion and
 野生鳥類的種類與數量相當豐                               Brachytrupes portentosus (Taiwan Giant Cricket) are distinguishing
                                             species commonly seen here.
 富,包括 149 種,分屬於 39 科。除
                                                 Wild Birds
 東 北海岸的自然生態和地質一樣,也受到東北季風的影  鳥、燕鷗、海鷗等海鳥。老鷹、紅     There is also abundance in both numbers and species of wild
 隼、鳳頭蒼鷹、大冠鷲、魚鷹等猛禽                            birds, including 149 species and 39 families. Besides land birds,
 滋生了適應於低水溫的藻類,而這些藻類植物吸引了不少魚、                 there are also waders of the Scolopacidae family, terns, seagulls
 類,也是本區的鳥類特色。                                and other sea birds. Eagles, common kestrel, crested goshawk,
 區內規劃有鼻頭區、過港區、                               crested serpent eagle, osprey, and other birds of prey are also a
 過冬,豐富的鳥類讓樸實的田野、河邊成了賞鳥人的最愛。  龍門區、田寮洋區、得心宮區、馬崗  feature of this area.

 植物生態方面,海面氣流所帶來的雨量,使生長在這裡的  區、北關區等賞鳥據點,可配合鳥類     Ocean Animals
 植物較不為冬季乾旱缺水所苦,而擁有豐富的植物生態,其中  解說手冊從事鳥類之辨識與鳥種生  ▲ 台灣藍鵲  The Northeast and Yilan coast also offers a rich underwater
                              Formosan Blue Magpie  ecosystem. Between Bitou Cape and Longdong Cape, visitors
 包括:海濱植物、沙丘植物、低海拔植被以及人工植被。  態、行為習性之觀察。
                                             will find a stretch of colorful and diverse corals. There are also
 北部海岸位於東海與太平洋海域的交會處,也同時是親潮  宜蘭海岸線由於河口堆積的泥沙   surfperches (family Embiotocidae), the Bombay Duck (family
 混合許多有機物質,形成一個複雜的                            Harpodontidae), species of  the families Chaetodontidae,
 生態系,每年吸引了大批水鳥過境或                            Acanthurus, and Apogonidae, barrier reef fishes, sea urchins, sea
 灣重要的漁場之一。東北海岸具有太平洋海                         cucumbers, shellfish, sea snails and sea stars.
 度冬,歷年來已記錄了兩百三十六               ▲  磯鷸
 洋生態,可以看到一群群瓶鼻海豚、飛旋海           Common Sandpiper    Shore Critters
 豚、花紋海豚、弗氏海豚、熱帶斑海豚跳躍海面;是故,此區                    Influenced by the tide, animals that live at the intersection of

 域除了具有特殊的地質地景,海洋生態亦具備多樣性。                    land and ocean usually develop unique characteristics that add to
                                             the richness of the ecological scenery. According to investigation,
                                             there are more than 60 species of large algae, around 290
 大破壞,除了茂盛的植物生態之外,也相當適合野生動物的棲                 species of shellfish, 70 or more species of Crustaceans, almost 40
                                             species of Echinodermata, and almost 100 species of sponges,
                                             sea anemones, organisms of the class Polychaeta, sea squirts, and
 量上亦非常豐富。                                    other shore animals.

 Little Egret

 地質圖書                                                            Geopark at Northeast and Yilan Coast National Scenic Area
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