Page 59 - 雕鐫海之角
P. 59
灣少見的珍稀鳥種,包括丹頂鶴、白頭鶴、白額雁、小天鵝等。 waters of the East China Sea Continental Shelf in
the north and the Kuroshio Current in the west.
Besides coastal dwelling fish such as members of
口也豎立許多賞鳥看板,方便鳥友辨認鳥種。 the families Sparidae (breams), Percidae (perches),
海底生物 Sciaenidae (croaches) and etc., migratory fish such as
the mackerel, bonito, Spanish mackerel, swordfish and
tuna also appear annually. The rich variety of fish has
角至龍洞岬間有五顏六色、種類繁多的美麗珊瑚,還有許多像雀 transformed this area into a crucial fishing ground of Taiwan¡
鯛、龍頭魚、蝶魚、粗皮鯛、天竺鯛等海洋生物,以及岩礁魚 ¦s northeast. The fishing economy and fishing village culture of this
類、海膽、海參、貝螺類、海蝸牛與各種海星等。 area are extremely active, presenting a multi-dimensional tourism
resource consisting of fishing village life, fish ecology and fish
由於受潮汐的影響,生活在海陸交界處的各種生物演化出某 The Northeast and Yilan coast are distinctly influenced
些特殊本領,而呈現豐富的生態景觀。據調查統計,本風景區有 by the Northeast Monsoon. Fortunately, rain carried ashore
by air currents from the ocean assists the vegetation growing
within the area to evade the aridity of winter, allowing a rich
棘皮動物及100種以下的海綿、海葵、水母與海鞘等海濱生物。 vegetation to thrive.
▲ 珊瑚
本風景區的海岸多屬砂岩海岸,其中海蝕平臺佔絕大多數, Beginning from the coastline and moving inland, the land is
在海蝕平臺高潮線(海水漲潮最高位處)附近生活的海濱生物,以 divide into a coastal vegetative zone and a hillside vegetative zone.
吸附在岩石上的玉黍螺、青螺和笠螺等為主,中潮帶是許多石 Each zone then expresses different species and numbers of plants
蓴、藤壺、牡蠣、蟹類和螺類的棲所,而低潮線(海水退潮最低位 ▲ 海鞘 Sea Squirts Cetaceans according to local ecological conditions.
處)附近的岩表上則是各種藻類、水螅、海綿和海鞘聚集生長的地 During summer and autumn, many
Cetaceans, such as the Bottle Nose
Dolphin, Risso's Dolphin and Spinner
Dolphin can be seen within the waters
鯨豚 surrounding Turtle Island and Nanfangao.
This is a great area to take a ride on a
cruiser or hop onto a fishing boat and
go whale watching or dolphin watching.
娛樂漁船出海賞鯨之最佳海域,搭配龜山島獨特的地質及 Together with the unique geology of Turtle
海底火山景觀,形成臺灣特有的賞鯨、地質及海底火山觀 Island and underwater volcanic scenery,
察之休閒知性旅遊行程。 the combination of whale watching,
geological features and underwater
volcanos has allowed this area to become
本風景區海域北有東海陸棚水,東有黑潮流經,除有鯛科、 Taiwan's distinguished recreational and
鱸科及石首魚科等沿岸定棲性之魚類外,亦有如鯖魚、鰹魚、鰆 intellectual tourism area.
魚、旗魚及鮪魚等洄游性魚類,魚類生物多樣豐富,形成臺灣東 Fishes
北部重要漁場,漁業經濟及漁村文化活動活絡,呈現漁村生活、 The Northeast Coast and Yilan
National Scenic Area is surrounded by the
▲ 海豚 Dolphins ▲ 紫管蟲
Purple Tube Worm
地質圖書 Geopark at Northeast and Yilan Coast National Scenic Area