Page 60 - 雕鐫海之角
P. 60

點沙成金創意無限∼沙雕                                      Sand Sculpting Festival                and cameras to capture the picture of water birds.
                                                                                                                 "Have you ever made a sand castle when you are
                                                                   「小時候玩過堆沙堡嗎?」、「全                            a child?" "Do you know where the most suitable place   Meanwhile, fall is the season in which wild coreopsis
          遊憩活動                                                 臺灣最適合堆沙堡的地方在哪?您知道                              to make a sand castle is?" From Gongliao village to   blossoms in Yilan. It is the best choice to have a
                                                                                                                                                         country trip in this time.
                                                                                                              Fulong in Northeast coast in Taiwan is evaluated as
                                                                                                                                                             The Exciting Cycling Race
                                                                                                              the most suitable place for sand sculpture in Taiwan by
          Recreational                                         雕沙的場所,這一帶的黃金海岸綿延三公                             World Sand Sculpting Association (WSSA). This golden   from the sightseeing, the wind, sweat and sunshine!
                                                                                                                                                            The greatest of joy of outdoors recreation comes
                                                                                                              coast is 3 km long, and the quality of the golden sand
          Activities                                           里,金黃色的沙質柔軟細密,和水後可塑

                                                                                                               ▲草嶺古道芒花季                          ▲龜山島賞鯨豚                     ▲龍門自行車追風
                                                                 輕車踩踏自然∼自行車行                                    Caoling Historic Trail: The Season of Silver Grass  The Whale Watching Cruise on Turtle Island  The Exciting Cycling Activity in Longmen
                                                                   近年來臺灣單車運動結合休閒旅遊的                           is soft and fine which is easily shaped after mixing with    In recent years, the trend of integration of cycling
                                                               風氣蓬勃發展,以東北角暨宜蘭海岸國家                             water. Adults and children can shape their own small   and tourism booms in Taiwan. Among them, the most
                                                               風景區管理處結合中華民國自行車騎士協                             kingdoms in the coast here.                famous activities are the following two unpolluted
                                                               會及貢寮、雙溪二鄉公所舉辦的「東北角                                 Silver Grass                           and noiseless cycling activities: "Path Winding along
                                                                                                                                                         Mountain Ridges : Northeast Coast – Cycling Race in
                                                               峰迴路轉-貢寮雙溪自行車賽」及「東北                                White waves' appearance in the mountains of   Gongliao and Shuangsi” and "Northeast Scenery and
                                                               角海濱山水親子騎遊」等二項無汙染、無                             Northeast coast represents that silver grasses start   Seashore: Parent and Children Cycling and Tourism
                                                                                                              to blossom in fall. In this season, the administration
                                                               噪音的健康自行車活動最享盛名,也喚起                                                                        " co-held by Taiwan Cyclist Federation and Office of
                                                                                                              will hold an activity called "Caoling Historic Trail: The
                                                               國人節約能源、重視環保的意識。                                Season of Silver Grass" in November each year. Its   Gongliao Township and Office of Shuangsi Township.
                                                                   青山綠水、百年古道,人文風貌和自                           contents include ecology tour of silver grasses viewing,   These activities also can arouse national's attention to
                                                                                                                                                         energy saving and environmental protection.
                                                               然景觀兼具,山區有寧靜的農村聚落和碧                             stamp collections exchange for souvenir and traditional   Green hills and clear water, ancient paths, local
                                                                                                              crafts teaching.
                                                               溪翠谷;還有碧海金沙、灣岬奇岩、沿海                                                                        customs, natural sights, peaceful rural villages, green
                                                                                                                 Entrance of river and marsh are the places where
                                                               特殊的沙岸地形,得天獨厚的景致,正是                                                                        valleys, blue ocean and golden sands, bays and unique
                                                                                                              migratory birds stop in their migrations in spring
                                                               東北角暨宜蘭海岸國家風景區地質公園最                             and fall and also the excellent habitats where water   rocks, special sand coast, and rich natural sceneries
                                                               大的資產,熱切展臂歡迎您的造訪。                               birds spend the wintertime. In this season, people   are the greatest assets of Northeast scenic area.
                                                                                                              who love birds can be found to take their telescopes
                                                              ▲  沙雕活動
                                                               The Sand Sculpting Activity

        地質圖書                                                                                                                                                         Geopark at Northeast and Yilan Coast National Scenic Area
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