Page 62 - 雕鐫海之角
P. 62
More than three million visitors per To keep this scenic area clean and For your safety, please observe the
year visit the Northeast and Yilan Coast all beautiful, please observe the following rules. following.
with different interests. Most of them will be 1. Do not spit or litter. 1. No swimming in the dangerous currents.
注意事項 amazed at the different types of landscapes, 2. Do not pollute or generate excessive noise. 2. The footpaths and trails are slippery when wet.
some visit for bird watching or fishing and a
3. Do not destroy the vegetation.
Thank You For Your Help. The Northeast and Yilan
delicious meal in the sea food restaurant. A 4. Do not post advertisements. Coast is a place for tourists, as a place of escape from
Notice series of landscapes with a rich diversity of following activities are prohibited. the city, for students as an out door classroom, and
The scenic area is a protected area and the
marine life exist around the Northeast and
also a place for visitor from all over the world. Enjoy the
Yilan Coast. They are also part-of the earth
heritage of Taiwan. Some of the landscapes 1. Collection of rock, fish, shell or coral samples. beauty of the Northeast Coast, but please look after it
2. Fishing and collection of plants.
as a special place for sustainable development.
遊客注意事項 are rare and vulnerable, some of them are 3. Sculpturing of rock.
impossible to recover. All of these landscapes
need special attention by all visitors.
1. 不隨地吐痰、丟棄紙屑、煙蒂、口香糖、瓜果或其皮、
2. 不污染地面、水質、空氣、牆壁、樑柱、樹木、道路、橋樑
3. 不製造噪音、焚燬、破壞花草樹木。
4. 不張貼廣告物及噴漆文字於設施上。
1. 採集岩石、魚、貝、珊瑚、藻類標本。
2. 新闢水產養殖、墾地種植。
3. 刻畫圖、文於設施或岩石上。
1. 周圍海域浪大,暗流、漩渦多,禁止戲水游泳。
2. 景觀遊憩請留意告示牌,以防落海。
3. 冬季易生青苔,步道濕滑,敬請小心慢行。
4. 海崖邊易有落石,請小心通過,避免久留。
地質圖書 Geopark at Northeast and Yilan Coast National Scenic Area