Page 60 - 發現‧黃金沙城
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       ତ   ŒɽۨЪۜණ4                                                                                                                                                                                         2011 ၅

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            Гʩۃ218-201ϋʘගٙୋɚϣ̺ਛд኷ن(Second Punic War)d຅ࣛ௰މɛהٝٙ኷Ҙ݊ࠒ˄ਿਗ਼ჯ                                                                                                                                        ᖵ
            ဏ̵נhˋ̔(Hannibal Barca)ଟჯ 90,000Ӊжe12,000ᕣжdʿ37৳኷൥dನཀඤئdࠦ࿁ᘌఫٙ                                                                                                                                     ஔ
            ंࡉeᎈࢡٙήҖdϓ̌༨ཀڛဧ՚౶ʆdආɝ່ɽл̏௅f͉Ъۜ˴ࠅᔟ͟ˀࠦٙ኷نఙ౻dխᝫɛ                                                                                                                                                      ၚ
            ᗳᏐᙳ˓ΥЪd΍Ν௴ிɓࡈߕλٙ͊Ըf                                                                                                                                                                              Ό
            Ъ٫jBrian Turnbough, Rodrigo Ferreira, Frederick Dobbs, Gregory Jacklin,
                      and Damon Langlois

            Roman Siege – Battle Glory

            This scene depicts the battle between Carthage and Rome during the Second Punic War
            218BC-201BC. The massive army of Carthage, with 90,000 infantry, 12,000 cavalry, and 37 war
            elephants, was led by Hannibal Barca over the Mediterranean Sea and across the alps, laying
            a surprise siege upon a Roman outpost.

            AuthorjBrian Turnbough, Rodrigo Ferreira, Frederick Dobbs, Gregory Jacklin,
                           and Damon Langlois

            Discovery of the Golden Sand Empire                                                                                                                    The 2011 Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival
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