Page 16 - 手沙雕夢
P. 16


      ‧ 雕夢︾  2009 福隆沙雕藝術季



               喜歡躲在陰暗而狹窄的空間裡,月黑風高,才趁                              Mouse: They like to hide themselves in the dark and
               人類熟睡時出外覓食,常會被人類視為膽小,事實                             narrow space, going out to seek food when people
               上,鼠輩在地球上適應力遠遠超過萬物之靈,若有                             sleep deeply at night. Actually, the adaptability

               一個安穩的私人空間,不必再過著躲躲藏藏,膽戰                             of  mouse  is  much  stronger  than  people.  If  they
               心驚的日子,想必將改變他們在動物世界中的地位                             have a stable private space, and don’t need to hide
               了!                                                 themselves with fearful emotion anymore, the position
                                                                  of mouse will be changed in animal world!
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