Page 21 - 手沙雕夢
P. 21


                                                                                                                    ‧ 雕夢︾

                                                                                                                  2009 福隆沙雕藝術季



             耀武揚威的公雞是天生的表演者,鮮紅的雞冠,亮                            Chicken: The  vigorous  chicken  are  the  innate
             麗的羽毛,加上高亢宏亮的啼聲,只要上了舞台,                            performers—the red cockscomb, brilliant feathers,
             不必裝扮就能先聲奪人,如果又兼俱海豹般的諧                             loud and sonorous voice, attracting people’s attention
             星身材與雜耍身手,必能成為星光大道上的閃耀巨                            even without disguise. If they possess the funny body

             星!                                                shape and acrobatics of seal, they must become the
                                                               super star in the Walk of Fame!
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