Page 17 - 手沙雕夢
P. 17


                                                                                                                    ‧ 雕夢︾

                                                                                                                  2009 福隆沙雕藝術季


             溫馴而乖巧,通常會出現在魔術師的大禮帽裡,成                            Rabbit: They are meek and docile, and often show up
             為觀眾驚呼喝采的對象,魔術中最扣人心弦的表演                            in the stovepipe hat of magicians, receiving audiences'
             就是電鋸活人,如果能把兔子與美人魚混搭成一種                            cheer and acclaim. The most exciting performance

             清純卻又動人的新品種,那將會是最有創意的偉大                            in magic show is to cut a live people with a saw. If we
             魔術了!                                              mix the rabbit with mermaid to make up a naive and
                                                               appealing new species, and then it will be the most
                                                               original and greatest magic!
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