Page 19 - 手沙雕夢
P. 19


                                                                                                                    ‧ 雕夢︾

                                                                                                                  2009 福隆沙雕藝術季


             羚羊,地表上奔跑速度最快的非獵食性動物,奔馳                            Gazelle: Gazelle are the non-carnivorous animals
             於非洲廣闊草原上的閃電,加上了疾游於大洋中的                            which run fastest on earth. They run quickly in
             飛魚流線形身型,從陸地到海洋,冒險的羊盡情的                            African grasslands, and become the risky man from

             勇闖天涯!                                             land to sea when they are added the smooth-shape of
                                                               the flying fish in the ocean.
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