Page 18 - 手沙雕夢
P. 18


      ‧ 雕夢︾  2009 福隆沙雕藝術季


                靜寂又神秘卻充滿懾人力量,不動則已,猛虎只要                            Tiger: They  are  so  quiet  and  mysterious,  while
                一出閘,是會令人聞風喪膽的,橫行海中的螃蟹,                            powerful. If they go out of the fences, they will be very
                號稱鐵將軍,揮舞一對強而有力的螯,如果虎、                             terrible. The crab shake a pair of powerful limbs in

                蟹兩者合一,水陸兩界通吃,勢必打遍天下無敵手                            the sea, are called iron general. If the tiger and crab
                了!                                                are put together, they will fight against all of animals
                                                                  between sea and land.
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