Page 100 - 2012點沙成金內頁_1017
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                                                                                                                                                                                     點沙成金 Turning Sand Into Gold

            Ted Siebert€ߕ਷Ӎᎉࢪ

            Next Year Let's Try the 8-Meter Tall Sculpture!

            It was great fun as usual in Fulong and the experience   3.  Sealing the sculpture. Once a first coat has been
            of being there just warms my heart. I hope things are   put on and it is dry the subsequent coats can
            going well for everyone. I know you all worked hard   me made thicker and thicker. I think some of the
            on the project and I’m grateful that everyone was as   coats were too thin and didn’t really protect the
            committed as we were to pull this off again. Please   sculpture from the torrential rain we experienced,
            send pictures or video clips when you can.   but should have if the coats of sealer were
            The following are some suggestions to make the event
            go smoother.                               4.  One other comment: I don’t even know if anyone
                                                         really noticed but originally Linda had asked
            1.  Pounding up the sand. The sand needs incredible
               amounts of water and that each form should be   me to build 2 large sculptures and 6 medium
               packed twice. One at the halfway point and the   sculptures. The large sculptures were to measure
               other when it is topped off. With each packing layer   5 meters tall and I made a point of making them
               –the machines should make two entire trips around   both 7 meters tall. This is an incredible amount
               the sculpture-always while the water is on.   of sand to add to this and next year I would like
                                                         to go for 8 meters tall, but you don’t add sand
            2.  Oval shaped forms. The oval shape form is the way   to the top when you’re making these things
               to go for the especially large sculptures, but would   larger and the amount of surface area really
               also work well for the bottom three forms of the   grows exponentially and in exchange I would like
               medium sized sculptures. There are no 90 degree   to eliminate the bottom form of the 6 medium          ׼ϋ̙ૐܿ኷ɞʮˉ৷ٙɽӍᎉl
               corners with an oval shape and so the pressure is   sculptures and make them only 4 tiers tall. That
               distributed evenly and less chance of the sculpture   way we can stay on schedule.                      跟往年一樣,我們在福隆的經驗還是那麼的溫馨有趣,我希望在福隆的大家一切事情都順心如意,
               form work blowing out.                                                                                  每個工作人員都非常的盡心盡力,我很慶幸大家對於沙雕活動的投入都跟我們一樣多,讓今年的活


                                                                                                                       1) 壓沙:有一些沙堆沒有被正確的壓沙,壓沙時需要加入大量的水,並且至少每半層板模的高度就
                                                                                                                       2) 橢圓形的板模:橢圓形的板模非常適用於大型的沙雕,用在中型沙雕上也很棒,不像方形板模有

                                                                                                                       3) 噴膠:噴膠時的第一層膠不必太厚,讓它能早一點乾,來抵抗風的破壞,接下來的膠每層可以越

                                                                                                                       4) 還有一件事:一開始Linda是請我做兩個5米高的大型沙雕,及6個中型沙雕,我提出大沙雕我想做

            2012 福隆國際沙雕藝術季 風華再現
            The 2012 Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival
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