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                                                                            點沙成金 Turning Sand Into Gold

 Bouke Atema€ஃᚆӍᎉࢪ  Justin Gordon€ߕ਷Ӎᎉࢪ

 My First Time Visiting Asia!  Rain, Rain, Rain, Truly a Testament to a Sand Sculptor's
            Passion and Madness
 First Time Visiting Asia and Never Be Tired of Eating   This was my third time in three years to Fulong   Suggestions
 Rice! I was excited to visit Asia for the first time. I heard   and the people there continue to amaze me. Their
 only nice things about it and I’m glad to find out what I   generosity, willingness and ambitiousness to help   1.  Very Important: Make sure the sand gets packed
 heard about it is all true. First of all Taiwan is a beautiful   however they can, and the enjoyment they get by   better, thinner layers at a time with more water.
 country with friendly people. The nature scenery is nice   persuading us Americans to try something new just   2.  Please consider using a round form arrangement
 and green, with lovely animals and beautiful flowers. I   makes me envious. From being given raw snails with   instead of the square arrangement because it will
 get along with everyone because I have met nothing but   beer and Sashimi at the end of the Coaling Tunnel to   distribute the sand's pressure more evenly and
 nice people on the island!                              there will be less loss of packed sand when the
            the woman that rents bikes and cooks her amazing   forms are removed.
 The only problem is that English is not commonly   sausage on a stick in the center of town, to the Fu   3.  Have more glue sprayers and glue guys like Allen
 spoken and that’s a pity because it’s harder for me to   Ңٙԭݲڋ᜗᜕l  Bar's welcome embrace, I'm a better person after   on hand - we didn't get enough gluing when we
 keep a conversation going. But that made me interested   出發前我很期待,因為這將是我這輩子第一次來  meeting all of them.  needed it.
 in learning the Mandarin language and its writing.Now   亞洲,我來之前就聽別人說了亞洲很棒,來了之  With all the rain we got that really made this year
 at least I can say hello, goodbye and thank you and   後便發現大家說的好話都是真的!臺灣是一個美  more difficult, with first dealing with working in the   ڠdڠdڠd݊࿁Ӎᎉࢪ௰ɽٙϽ᜕l
 a couple of other things in Mandarin. I didn’t know   麗的國家,人們也都非常的友善,自然景觀十  rain, and second, having to repair much of what we
 that I could never be tired of eating rice. The food was   分美麗,有著可愛獨特的生物和美麗的花朵,唯  did the previous day, a special memory was when,   這是我第三次來到福隆,這裡的人們每次都能讓我
 delicious and I wouldn’t want it in any other way.   一的不方便處只有臺灣人不太常說英文,所以要  on our last day when we had already worked 13   感到驚奇,他們的大方以及友善,還有他們每次都
 更近一步的聊天比較困難一點,但這也讓我們有                                   讓我們這些美國人嘗試奇特的食物,像是燒酒螺、
 The festival was great, it’s one of the better sculpting   days straight, much of it in the rain, and it was just
 了學習中文的契機,現在的我可是會用中文打招                                   生魚片、草嶺隧道口的烤香腸,及福吧的南非特色
 festivals I’ve been too. The sand was okay but most of   pouring rain, again, Greg Jacklin yells at the sky as if
 呼、說再見,及其它簡單的日常用語呢!                                      菜,能夠認識這些人讓我學了不少。今年不停的下
 the time I found the sand didn’t have enough water in   addressing our maker himself: "Bring it on!!!" and Ted   雨讓我們吃了不少苦頭,下雨讓雕刻的進度緩慢,
 it, which made it weak. This is the type of sand that you   我從來不知道原來我居然吃不膩米飯,臺灣的食  Siebert answered: "Is this all you got?". This is truly a   並且每天都要去修補被雨沖壞的細節,我還記得2
 have to drown but not stamp with machines.   物實在是太好吃了!福隆沙雕藝術季是我參加過  testament to a sand sculptor's passion and madness.   週工作的最後一天又在下雨,Greg對天大吼,像是
 的沙雕展中比較好的,福隆的沙子雕刻起來手感  The final party at Fu Bar. It was a lot of fun partying
 At first we thought the time we had for the festival is   在說「放馬過來吧!」然後Ted也對天大叫「你就
 還ok,但是大多數時候板模內的沙子水份沒有保  over food and drink with you folks and watching Linda,
 plenty enough, but then it started to rain and rain…and   只有這點雨嗎?」這完全體現了沙雕師們對自己工
 持好,乾沙子比較鬆散不太好雕,福隆沙子的特  Austin, and Jason take their first shot of 80 rum.
 we eventually have only 1 complete day without rain,   作的瘋狂熱情。福吧的慶功宴非常的成功,又好吃
 haha. So we are a little under pressure time wise. One   Thanks again for what you're doing and all you've   又好玩,尤其是看到Linda, Austin,還有Jason 這
 thing I would change would be to do the judging right   done. It was a great pleasure meeting you, working   輩子第一次喝80度的朗姆酒的糗樣!感謝你們大家
 after the competition. So if we would work until 5pm on   本來比賽作品有十天時間施做是很夠的,但是比  with you, and partying with you.    的努力以及用心,很高興能有這機會認識你們,並
 the last day, the judges would come at 5:15. Because   賽時幾乎每天都在下雨,只有一天完全沒下,這  且和你們一起工作及玩樂!
 then you will not have your sculpture be ruined at night   讓我們很有時間上的壓力,另外,我建議下次比
 by the rain.  賽時,時間一結束就馬上接著評審,才不會像我們                    ɧᓃܔᙄj
 So in the end i would not change a lot about this well   1) 板模內沙子要壓的更實一點,三分之一層板模高
 organized event, the hotel was great, nice peoplethat   沖壞了。  度的沙就要壓一次,並用大量的水。
 will help you if you need any changes they would do   最後,我想說除了天公不作美,雨下的有點多外,  2) 未來請考慮用圓形板模,而非方形,可減少拆板
 their best. The downside is the rain but you can’t really   這個活動組織的真的很不錯!旅館也很棒,工作  模時沙子崩塌。
 change that. Hopefully I will be back next year. Thanks   人員都很友善並且能夠支援我們工作及生活上的
 to everybody who organized the "turning sand in to   需求,希望我明年也還能來參與!感謝各位「點  3) 請聘用更多噴膠人員,因為需要噴膠時工人常忙
 gold" festival!   沙成金」的工作人員!

 2012 福隆國際沙雕藝術季 風華再現
 The 2012 Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival
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