Page 43 - 2014福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 43

傳奇主角  丁丁歷險記  金沙傳奇不思議,旅程一沙一世界

 Exhibition  The Adventures of Tintin    Incredible Golden Sand Legends,the Travels to See a World in a Grain of Sand.

 深不見底的海洋、高聳的山峰、浩翰的外太空,都是富有冒險精神的小記者「丁  蜿蜒的沙岸,福隆的黃金歲月,連結了夢想與現實,跨越了時間與空間,在此
 丁」和他忠實愛犬急欲一探究竟的地方。丁丁對周遭事物總是充滿好奇心,並化為  真情呈現。此刻,請大家準備好愉悅的心情,讓金色的沙粒帶您進入驚奇世界,跟
 實際行動進行探索旅程,丁丁的冒險故事將帶給您不同凡響的震憾。  著陽光沙海的熱情節奏,伴著微風,不思議的旅程即將展開囉 !! GO ∼

 From the depths of the ocean to the peaks of the highest mountains and beyond into the space, there is no   The shining beach of Fulong not only connects dreams with the reality but also overcomes the
 place where intrepid boy reporter Tintin has yet to explore. Together with his loyal dog Snowy as well as his quirky   barriers of time and space. Get ready to start this incredible travels full of surprises through the gold
 band of comrades, Tintin’s adventures have sparked a travel frenzy in all of us.  sand.

 42  金沙傳奇 不思議 / 旅程 一沙一世界                                                              旅。沙裡世界      43
 Incredible Golden Sand Legends                                                   Sand Sculpture Works
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