Page 45 - 2014福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 45

傳奇主角  太空旅行  伊本巴圖塔的夢想

 Exhibition  Space Travel   IIbn Batuta's Dream

 神秘的太空,是一令人嚮往的地方;遨遊太空,更是許多人的夢想。「這是我  伊本巴圖塔是一位來自北非菲斯的富有回教徒,也是非洲著名旅行家。他在 21

 個人的一小步,卻是人類的一大步」這是美國太空人阿姆斯壯,登陸月球時所說的  歲的時候,到阿拉伯麥加朝聖,歷經二十多年後才返回家鄉。在朝聖的路上,他夢
 話。這個西元 1969 年 7 月 20 日歷史性的第一步,開啟了人類長久以來想到外太空  見自己被一隻巨型大鳥帶到了回教的世界,這個夢也激發他,將之後的人生投入探

 的夢想。這極具意義的一天,也從此改變了太空探索和科技的發展。  索旅程中。

 “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” With those words, American astronaut   Ibn Batuta was a wealthy Muslim from Fez in North Africa. When he was 21, he went on a
 Neil Armstrong was the first person to step on the moon. His historic first step on 20th July 1969 marked   pilgrimage to Mecca, in Arabia. On the way, he dreamed that a huge bird was carrying him over the
 the beginning of man’s long dreamed of journey into outer space. The impact of that day would change   Muslim world and beyond. This dream inspired him to spend his life exploring.
 space exploration and technology forever.

 44  金沙傳奇 不思議 / 旅程 一沙一世界                                                              旅。沙裡世界      45
 Incredible Golden Sand Legends                                                   Sand Sculpture Works
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