Page 48 - 2014福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 48

傳奇主角                          絲路Ⅱ                                                                               敦煌

        Exhibition                   The Silk Road Ⅱ                                                                   Dun Huang

                  絲路,一條「絲綢之路」,牽引著歷史的脈動。這條長達 5 千英里的綿延絲路,                                                                   敦煌石窟是用來指在敦煌一帶的「石窟」總稱,包括敦煌莫高窟以及西千佛洞。
             是古代中西陸路貿易的道路,橫越亞洲大陸,連接著中國和地中海。當來自不同地                                                                    敦煌石窟的刻作形式,受到西方和中亞地區雕刻、畫作,以及其他佛教地區的影響。

             方的旅行者,聚集此處買賣商品的同時,也進行了東西方世界間知識與想法的交流,                                                                   在石窟裡最常見的畫作,是飛行的神祗「飛天」。佛經中,通常會描述神祗們唱歌、
             成為各地經濟文化交流的友誼之路。                                                                                        跳舞或是以灑花瓣方式,讚揚佛祖或其他神明的場景。

                  The Silk Road is a network of ancient overland trade routes spanning 5000 miles that extended           Dunhuang Grottoes is a general term for the grottoes in the region of Dunhuang, including Mogao Grottoes
             across the Asian continent and connected China to the Mediterranean  Sea. This road played a            and the Western 1000 Buddha Cave in Dunhuang City. The ethical mode of the Dunhuang caves has been
             paramount role in the transmission of knowledge and ideas between the Eastern and Western worlds        influenced by sculptures and paintings from western and central Asia as well as religions such as Buddhism. One of
             as travellers from around the world gathered there to trade items.                                      the most common paintings found in the caves are flying celestials, which also known as Asaras. In Buddhist sutras,
                                                                                                                     the scenes of Asaras singing, dancing or scattering petals to praise the Buddha and other saints are often described.

      48   金沙傳奇 不思議 / 旅程 一沙一世界                                                                                                                                                                 旅。沙裡世界      49
           Incredible Golden Sand Legends                                                                                                                                                 Sand Sculpture Works
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