Page 50 - 2014福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 50

傳奇主角                          安康聖母教堂                                                                          馬可波羅

        Exhibition                   Santa Maria della Salute                                                        Marco Polo

                  「安康聖母教堂」是威尼斯最醒目的地標,簡稱「Salute」,是位在義大利威尼                                                                   馬可波羅是一位義大利威尼斯的旅行家,他的決心、遊記著作及影響力,超越
             斯的一座天主教教堂。「安康聖母教堂」以帕拉底歐建築為靈感,為巴洛克建築的                                                                      了其他旅行者的成就。其人生中最著名、歷時 24 年的旅程,帶他從中東抵達了中

             傑作之一,是西元 1630 年間為了感恩解除黑死病肆虐危機而建立,由著名設計師                                                                   國大陸,他將自己的故事書寫下來並流傳後世,這些故事因而成為世界最偉大的旅
             巴爾達薩雷·隆格納設計,於西元 1687 年正式完工。                                                                               遊傳記。直至今日,他所留下的探險故事,仍持續激發著孩童和大人的想像力。

                   The Basilica of “Santa Maria della Salute” is a strong landmark of the Venice, commonly known            There are many famous people who were known for their great adventures and their great finds of
             simply as the Salute, is a Roman Catholic Church located in the Dorsoduro sestiere of the Italian city    other countries. Marco Polo, a Venetian explorer, was one of those men who excelled all the other travelers
             of Venice. The Church was built in Venetian baroque style, inspired by the architecture of Palladio, in   in his determination, his writing and his influence. His twenty-four years journey took him through the
             thanksgiving for the end of a terrible epidemic of plague in 1630.                                        Middle East and covered the whole of China. He survived to tell the tale and this tale went on to become
                                                                                                                       the world’s greatest travelogue. Till today, his travels still excite the imagination of children and adults alike.

      50   金沙傳奇 不思議 / 旅程 一沙一世界                                                                                                                                                                 旅。沙裡世界      51
           Incredible Golden Sand Legends                                                                                                                                                 Sand Sculpture Works
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